from Chizhova Alexandra – Russia, Moscow
Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus like feet. All glories to you!
This year has been a shower of your mercy! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the mission, family, holy name and world of pure love and devotion. World that has real sense and meaning. That is eternal and full of fulfilling loving relationships between devotees and Krishna. Thank you for letting me see a little glimpse of this reality through your lectures.
Every time I hear your lecture it’s like a reaaaly good teaser or promotion for the big movie, for the big show that is going on forever in the Spiritual World and Im really excited to go there with you and Srila Prabhupad and Nama Amrita in this one lifetime and experience what it’s like serving there.
We gather every week to discuss your lectures with matajis from Nama Amrita (Shyama Gaurangi, Olga Posypkina , Maria Glebova) and it’s been helping us to get deeper into the subject matter of your classes & develop our friendship. Especially I remember classes where you preached in France: in Fashion houses, how you escaped the guards and distributed books no matter the circumstances, the story with Father Pierre and his first celebration of Lord Balaram’s appearance day and pastimes when you met Pig Pen and he grown into Rasada Das due to Prabhupad’s mercy and your great great heart and care.
Thank you so much for sharing your fun memories and adventurous preaching. You have gone though such severe austerities for Prabhupad and it’s been inspiring us to continue Harinama Sankirtana so much. At the same time your lectures show how Krishna always reciprocates if one gives their all when preaching! This new year celebration day we had big Harinama, but I’ve spent it in bed feeling really ill during Harinama Tour, and your aspiring disciple Maria Glebova chose not to go to New Year Best Party Harinama and stay with me and go to Pharmacy and “bring me back to life”. It was a real love. Your love.
Also, this year we have travelled with Nama Amrita for Harinama tours and preaching programs almost every weekend! Sometimes I got tired and ill, but devotees always cheer me up. Your disciple Nrisimha Shalagram Prabhu has been taking very good care of every devotee in Nama Amrita.
I’m very inspired by my elder spiritual brothers and sisters there. This is my saviour and ticket back Home this amazing sanga and family, my husband said that even if I’m the worst devotee, even if I can’t serve well, I still deep down inside know – serving in Nama Amrita to your lotus feet is the only way to become a devotee, to come back Home, because in Nama Amrita they accept you for who you truly are – a spirit soul and will never ever judge you, give up on you. But we should still continue doing whatever is in our ability. We always feel your mercy flowing though Nama Amrita’s leaders (your disciples) Nrisimha Shalagram Prabhu and his spouse Kamala Charana dd, they are very focused on organising the best programs every weekend. In winter tour has participated 60 devotees, they gave up comfort, guarantees, no one knew in which car they’re going, in which place they stay, every other day is new city, everything is unpredictable and they only thing left is to surrender. And even those who came for the first time left in bliss.
One girl Sveta has joined us for the first time, 2 months in she went straight to full 1 week tour!!! She didn’t understand what was going on much, but later she started to chant 16 rounds and go to Harinama regularly. During your initiation ceremony on march 5, she felt you’re her Spiritual Master!
This winter Harinama tour one day it was -30 degrees Celsius. We had to go to another city but our car was completely frozen! Nothing works…Devotees were furious – they can’t continue the mission, the service awaits! But we stuck in a village where we spent the night at my parents house in Kostroma .. so my husband went to repair the car. My dad was so blissfully happy! He loves cars and he was ready to help with anything. His eyes were fired up and they started to work one, two, three, four, five HOURS while it’s still -30. I realised it’s a special mercy for my dad to serve to our Harinama group. Eventually 5 hours later we came to the temple. Devotees met us with roaring Kirtan! And turned out they still went to Harinama even at that weather condition. They’re really crazy. In the best way!
Every month new devotees add to our community! Two really crazy Matajis from Crimea (which is 2000 Kilometers far away from Moscow) come to Nama Amrita program for just 2-4 days!!!Like sanyasis they leave the kids to grandmothers and they come no matter what to taste the holy name in your Nama Amrita.
During this year I dreamed of becoming your serious disciple and I was serving as much as I could, but couldn’t come to Vrindavan to see you, couldn’t get the recommendation signed by authorities cause I always travel with Nama Amrita and never in Moscow. But Lord has heard my prayers and on initiation ceremony day on March 5 you has granted me this mercy of chanting your Pranama Mantra!
I’m so happy to slowly become connected back to our Guru Parampara and back to the spiritual world.
Your elder disciple Nrisimha Lila has given me service to translate and duplicate your posts from your Facebook page in your russian “IDS radio” community. Nrisimha Lila told me: “this is very important for Srila Gurudev and he personally asked us to continue posting news for Indradyumna Swami Radio”. These words always inspire me to perform this service because I know it’s important to you. Please bless me to continue this service nicely with best responsibility and with all my love.
Your disciples Keshava Madhava Prabhu & Shyama Gaurangi Mataji has gifted us Srila Prabhupada murti as a wedding gift when me & my husband Ilya got married this summer. We want to beg you for your blessings to continue to serve nicely and offenslessly to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and eventually develop our relationships with him and serve him better in travelling conditions. We want to always remember that the deity is present and establish real heart warming relationships with him We also try to serve Tulasi Maharani at home, please bless us to continue serving her and becoming eternal residents of Vraja with time. Please bless us to always see spirit soul in one another and build really cool grihastha ashram and invite Krishna Conscience children into our life to continue congregational chanting together.
My husband says unfortunately we can’t see you as often, but he’s grateful for the association with Bhakti Rasayana Sagara Swami Maharaj, he’s a big inspiration for us and your representative. We always see you and your instructions, your mood coming from him.
I’m a numerology consultant and heal people through Akashic records. Further I want to pursue singing as my service/career and make music about Krishna, write songs about him and sing it for the world.
Please give me your blessing to continue Prabhupadas mission, chanting holy names with enthusiasm and energy to be able to serve. I want to support our community, deities and programs, give good charity, but still remember that all abundance belongs to Krishna and comes from Him.
When something good happens in my life I always feel your hand in it. And when things are rough I always feel it’s another way you show care. The way you send me the best teachers, best examples, friends, community, service… Just for me to grow. Thank you so much for the bottom of my heart!! Please don’t turn away from me, please help me go till the end and take as much souls with us. I pray for your health and well-being and hope one day to come to Vrindavan together with my husband to serve You and Prabhupada in Braj! And then come all together to the Goloka Vrindavana to continue our service there together!! Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.
Your eternal servant,
Chizhova Alexandra