
from Gopika Rani Dasi – Ukraine, Kiev

My dear shining Spiritual Master,

I bow down to your feet and timidly offer those grains of devotion that I have. My mind, body and speech are not enough to comprehend your power and your mercy, and especially to describe it. Lamenting
in my own weakness, I beg for blessings from your radiant disciples, whose incomparable service and devotion to you sprinkles my burning with despair heart with a cool drop of appeasement.

My dear Spiritual Master, you often emphasize that you love us all equally, but I fervently pray to become your dear servant, “indradyumna priya dasaya“, just like those incredible disciples who gave everything for organizing and holding Festivals of India all over the world.

By your mercy, my blind and lame mind, having lost all sensitivity to taste for serving God, has finally begun to feel the sweet aroma of devotion and relationship of the Six Gosvami. I am in infinite debt for “adopting” me and for becoming a part of a large family of followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You have revealed the sastra to us and we only have to watch how the precious stone of Bhakti opens with new faces.

My caring spiritual father, it seems that thanks to devotion to your Spiritual Master, you are able to flood the whole Universe with love of God. Nothing in this world satisfies and attracts more than the relationship between disciples and guru, and this is the story of your relationship with Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurudev, everything you touch acquires the qualities of the spiritual world and is colored by the celebration of meeting Sri Krishna. Your kirtans shining at the zenith of the sun of devotion, under which I can’t wait to warm myself. I really want to see you live and serve you at least once more. And I really miss you.

Your servant, Gopika Rani Dasi