
from Govinda Gopal Das – Ukraine, Dnepr

All glory to your lotus feet, my dear teacher!
All glory to your teacher, Swami Prabhupada
Because he’s our Param-Guru, father, preacher,
I’m bowing unto both of you again and again.

I’ll borrow words of sadhus’ pray,
I’m helpless, glorifying you myself,
I’m shy and foolish, only with your mercy,
And divine permission, I will start

You’re getting all your blessings
From the ocean of mercy of Sri Caitanya and
All the saint Acharyas,
And Srila Prabhupada’s exhortations,

Helping you in chanting and your mission.
Like a cloud that’s dropping heavy rain,
Extinguishing a fire with no effort,
You rescue burning people,

Who are under the intransigent court of law.
You blow out the fire, that’s blazing madly,
Of our mundane fallen life.
We will be at the very bottom of the swamp,

If there is no your causeless mercy.
You are an ocean of all the great qualities!
And I’m starving now,
Being in a deep, respectful mood,

To bow unto your lotus feet.
Sankirtana movement is a source
Of clean imperishable joy for you.
You chant the Holy names sometimes.

Sometimes you dance, being in blissful ecstasy.
Sometimes you sweetly sing, playing happily
Musical instruments with us together.
Your mind aspires pure devotion,

Your hair stands on end sometimes.
Your body is shuddering in ecstasy,
Your eyes are streaming a river of tears.
Being in a deep, respectful mood,

I’m bowing unto your lotus feet.
And, doing pure and selfless worship
To Sri Sri Radha Krishna in every temple,
You engage in such a humble service

All your disciples, especially in Holy Dhama.
They dress the Deities in lovely clothes,
They pray and sing holy bhajans.
They put crowns and jewelry on Them,

And try to be worthy of Their friendship.
Your disciples are ready to do any service.
They wash the temples with great pleasure.
Being in a deep, respectful mood,

I’m bowing unto your lotus feet.
You offer to Krishna with love and devotion
Four kinds of the tastiest dishes and then
You offer yourself entirely to Him

With the help of Prabhupada, who’s dear to everyone.
It’s not that easy to count satisfied devotees,
Having tasted the Bhagavad-prasadam.
Devotees love to cook and distribute prasadam,

Nurturing their faith in Krishna.
Seeing, that all devotees are absolutely pleased,
You feel happiness sincerely.
Being in a deep, respectful mood,

I’m bowing unto your lotus feet.
You always starve to listen
About Radha Krishna’s lovely pastimes.
You’re always ready to glorify

Their names and spiritual forms.
You’re always in a state of joy
With listening about pastimes and sharing them with us.
Then, being in a deep, respectful mood,

I’m bowing unto your lotus feet.
You are so dear to Krishna, because
You skillfully help gopis always,
Who run out of their family houses,

Aiming to Vrindavan’s forests.
There, being hidden from external eyes,
They arrange different things
And doing so, they help to make

All of Radha Krishna’s pastimes perfect.
I’d like to always be in such a mood,
To help continuously with your service.
Because of this, I’m, with the deepest humility,

Bowing unto your lotus feet.
You should always be respected,
As well as the Supreme Lord Hari.
You should be served with humbleness,

Without you, we‘re just transcendent zeros.
All the holy scriptures say so,
Giving such an admonition. So,
All the spiritual authorities appreciate it,

And following it, they give us an example.
Please, bless me to be humble,
To be respectful and not to be proud.
Being in a deep, respectful mood,

I’m bowing unto your lotus feet.
Only by your mercy, I can get
A blessing of Sri Krishna. Without your mercy
No one could ever help me to realize

My destination and my natural position.
Without your mercy, all my attempts
To get perfection, to get rid of fear,
Are nothing but woeful tortures,

Doomed in the beginning to be a ruin.
Because of all these I must respect
And remember and gratify you. Then,
Finally, I can mold your radiant image

In my empty heart forever.
No less than three times a day, I know,
I must offer my obeisance and I wish it myself.
I want to make you happy,

Bowing to your lotus feet.
I see the only chance to get success,
To enter spiritual and eternal abode,
Where only Krishna occupies all minds,

Cowherd-boy and thief, conqueror of all gopis.
The chance is that my beloved teacher,
Having dissipate all my hesitation and fear,
Will bring me as a speck of dust

On his lotus feet to the spiritual kingdom.
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I’ve not deserved it yet, but I can be patient,
Because I believe you without any doubt.

Life by life, I’m ready to serve you to become deserving!
Your humble servant, Govinda Gopal Das.