
from Kamala Madhavi Dasi – Ukraine, Donetsk

Dear Indradyumna Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glory to you!

This year has become very important for me. On May 6, 2020, you kindly accepted me as your disciple, thereby making it possible for
me to take the practice of Krishna Consciousness even more seriously; thank you for such a chance. Now I have a wonderful name, Kamala Madhavi Devi Dasi; I’m not accustomed to it yet, but I like it, especially when I’m called by that name.

I miss the Polish tour so much. The opportunity to attend morning programs with my spiritual master, the daily harinams and happy faces of festival guests, all that is real happiness for me. Every moment that I have spent at your side and in the service to your lotus feet is imprinted in my memory. I want to keep these memories forever to make them help me pass the most difficult exam that is obligatory for everyone at the end of one’s life.

This summer I’m finishing my studies at the academy (I study to become an architect), now I am working on my diploma and trying to do it as a service to you. I know that the secret of success is hidden in your instructions, and one of them is that your disciples have to graduate from the universities. For now, it is one of the most important instructions for me which I am following and I am getting ready to have this service finally performed.

I feel that my initiation and taking shelter at your feet and feet of Srila Prabhupada made my attitude to the practice of Krishna Consciousness even more serious. Dear Gurudeva, please never leave me in the ocean of birth and death, please let me get out of the cycle of samsara. I admire your confidence in spreading Krishna Consciousness and your purity and that you share it with your disciples, too. I am very grateful for your accepting me, so that I finally became part of Srila Prabhupada’s family; my way to this goal seemed so long for me…

Your eternal servant, Kamala Madhavi Dasi