
From Anastasia Pilipenko – Ukraine

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please, accept my humble obeissances in the dust of Your Lotus Feet!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Dear Srila Gurudeva, it is with great joy that I wait for Your upcoming Vyasa Puja. This day is very happy and important. I admire your devotion to Your Spiritual Master. I admire Your many years service to him. When reading your diaries over and over your with my spiritual sisters, we are always sincerely happy to hear about the miracles that happen to you and sad about the difficulties you encounter. But you always and in everything see Krishna ‘s mercy and bravely continue your way. I liked very much how you gave an example that when announcing the news it is very important to find the right words. You told how Hanuman told Lord Rama about having found Sita. I thank You for Your work, for Your care about us, for Your unlimited enthusiasm in devotional service, for Your mercy, that falls as a flow on us.
I would like to share my minor successes on my spiritual path with You. My daughter has grown up a little, so now I have opportunity to do some practical devotional service in the temple. Sometimes I get lucky to serve in the kitchen or to make garlands. We try to regularly read Srila Prabhupada’s books with other matajis online. We also gather online with the other spiritual sisters to read Your diaries.
I am eternally thankful to You for accepting me into Your family and for taking care of us as a real father!
Please, accept my most humble obeissances in the dust of Your Lotus Feet.

Your servant,
Pilipenko Anastasia.