From Prema Dayani Radha Devi Dasi – Ukraine, Alchevsk
Dear Srila Gurudev, please, accept my obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Today is a very significant day for all of us – the day of your appearance. Gurudev, I am so very grateful to you for everything you have done for me. I will always be eternally indebted to you. Gurudev, I am so grateful to you for your example: completely surrendering to your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. You have given your whole heart and your whole life preaching Krsna Consciousness all over the world. On this day, I pray to Srila Prabhupada to allow me to gain as much faith in your instructions as you have in his. Even in spite of your advanced age, you still continue to spread the Krsna Consciousness Movement on a large scale all around the world, organizing grandiose preaching festivals such as the Polish Tour, Rishikesh Tour, etc. It inspires me so much to follow in your lotus footsteps: to devote my whole life to spreading the Krsna Consciousness Movement. Right now I am just a useless tool, but I pray to you, to Srila Prabhupada and to Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, to be useful to you. Gurudev, I am so grateful that you brought me to Vrindavan. You are so kind and merciful to this worthless fallen soul like me. I could not have dreamed that I would be in Sri Vrindavan Dham so soon. And I realize that I have no piety to be in the holiest place of all, in Sri Vrindavan Dham so soon – it is all because of your causeless mercy. You have graciously accepted me into Srila Prabhupada’s family by giving me the first and second initiations, although I do not have any qualities of a true devotee. But you are so kind to me. Gurudev, I will try to develop the qualities of a devotee. Gurudev, I want to serve you even better so that one day I can satisfy you with my service. Gurudev, thank you very much for graciously sharing with us the nectarean lectures on Vrindavan, the nectarean kirtans that melt my dry stone-like heart. Listening to your lectures, the desire to love Krsna and become a pure devotee becomes even stronger. This is because in your lectures you share with us your love for Krsna (from heart to heart). I pray to you that I will become even more attached to your lectures and that the instructions you give will become my heart and soul. Looking into my heart, I saw that there was nothing good there : only envy, greed, anger and very strong sense of pride. Gurudev, please help me to say goodbye to these anarthas and become a very humble servant of a servant of a servant. After all, only in this way will I be able to immerse myself in pure chanting of the Holy Names and gain the priceless treasure that Lord Caitanya has invested in the Holy Name – pure, selfless love for Krsna and for Srimati Radharani. Gurudev, I miss you so much and I pray to see you soon and serve your lotus feet. Your eternal servant, Prema Dayani Radha dasi.