
From Nrsimha Lila das – Russia, Moscow

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada! Please, accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your Lotus Feet.
Hare Krsna, dear Guru Maharaj, my name is Nrsimha Lila Das, in 2018 You gave me spiritual birth. Most of my life I have lived in the town named Tolyatti, it is located close to Samara. You came to Samara in 2004.
On this blissful day, let me congratulate You and try to glorify Your exalted qualities as a Vaisnava and a pure devotee of Lord Krsna. During this uneasy period of pandemic, I would like to especially thank You for the mercy of associating with You through Your online classes! Your pure love and attachment to the holy place of Vrindavan melts our stone-like chained in iron hearts. You are always diving in the ocean of nectar of the unalloyed Krsna Consciousness and by accepting even a drop of insignificant service from Your disciples, You in return pour down this ocean of mercy which we attain to take in through our ears.
Thank You, for giving us an example of an eternal servant of Sri Krsna Caitanya, the only activity of whose is the unlimited expansion of the devotional service! Thank You, that in Your family, among brothers and sister, there is an opportunity to take part in so much service and to have so many chances for cooperation, love exchange and development of so much needed qualities of a devotee.
I would like to express my gratitude, that You found me and gave me a chance to overcome the ocean of material existence. Your bright preaching at the Polish Tour, Your diaries, the way You speak about Your spiritual master — all of these flowing in my material life as a nectar, grew the seeds of love for You, Your service, preaching, Your path, for the mission of Your Guru, Srila Prabhupada. By Your causeless mercy my life was lightened with the light of knowledge and my path became clear and understandable. Even before I heard Your lectures, I was inclined to festival preaching, and tried to organize public events with prasadam distribution.
In this letter I would like to tell You, dear Srila Gurudev, about the service, which firmly entered my heart thanks to You.
Since 2011, every August there has been a The Creek festival between Samara and Tolyatti. This festival gathers from 4,000 to 5,000 people, who are looking for something new, out-of- this-world, and various transcendentalists demonstrating their practices. The festival is vegetarian and the consumption of alcohol is prohibited. The program of the festival is very diverse: it includes different yogas as gymnastics, various meditation practices, male and female practices, family lectures, different creative workshops, children’s club, choir singing of various mantras, workshops of famous singers, and devotees come to this festival and hold some workshops as well.
Bittu Mallik has come twice and held an evening concert, and thousands of people were singing maha-mantra and other mantras together with him. Also, a band named “OdnoNo” (“Just one “But”) and a band named “Vraja” — all ISKCON devotees — attend this festival, they are singing and preaching, they are of great popularity among the visitors of the festival.
Devotees from Samara and Tolyatti every day have mangala-arati, lectures and kirtans in a big pandal, and in the evening pandal is often fully packed up with people who came to the festival.
My service, at this festival, is the organization of continuous distribution of prasadam. For four days we are cooking and distributing prasadam from morning, till late evening. In 2019 we have distributed for four days about 15,000 portions. All the guests at the festival are always happy with the quality of prasadam. Every year I organize a team of devotees-volunteers and of those who are interested in the Vedas. Kirtan from the big pandal is always heard near the place where prasadam is being distributed.
The Holy Names are also heard from different corners of the festival, somebody just turns on kirtans in their tent, often devotees who perform on the scene sing maha-mantra in a very beautiful and melodic way and sometimes they perform harinama, and this is also much to the taste of the guests of the festival. In this festival I see an opportunity to serve Your mission, Srila Gurudev. You give the taste and the strength to preach, You inspire us to make the festival better, to present Krsna Consciousness in a sweet and joyful way.
Every moment of the festival, I try to see through the mood of serving Your mission and at times it seems to me, that this festival is like a little reflection of the Polish Tour. All this service in my life happens only thanks to You. Each year I pray that this August I have a chance to work at the festival again for Your pleasure.
Further, I would like to tell You about daily small service to Your mission. In 2002 Gour Gopal Prabhu created a group in Russian social media network, called “Vkontakte”, where materials from Your books, lectures and photos were published. Right now, under the command of Gour Gopal Prabhu our team of fifteen Your disciples is actively developing two big groups. All in all these groups have around 8,000 followers. Every day we publish quotes from old and new lectures, new photos and new articles from Your Facebook page. Every year the number of followers increases by approximately 1,000.
In addition, in the beginning of 2020 we have organized a project of transcribing Your lectures and there are fifty Your disciples in it. From there on the texts of the lectures are published on IDS Radio channel, Gopati Prabhu is helping us with it.
Thanks to this service, I feel the connection with You, Srila Gurudev, and thanks to You we have this service and inspiration! I want to help You and be of use to You in Your mission which is the mission of Srila Prabhupada.
Please, accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet.
Your insignificant servant, Nrsimha Lila das