
From Padmini Radhika dasi -Russiam, Lipetsk

Dear Srila Gurudev,
I congratulate You on Your Vyasa Puja day! All glories to You! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru-parampara!
On this day, I want to thank You, from the bottom of my heart, for Your wonderful example of the disciple of Your Spiritual Master, dear Srila Prabhupada! You love him so dearly, and You are ready to serve him with every cell of Your body and soul! This really captivates me, inspires me, and instills deep faith in this process of relationship between the Guru and the disciple, true service to the Spiritual Master. And although this service is in condition of physical separation from him, but I see that Your love and devotion to Srila Prabhupada is only growing, this is such a vivid and inspiring example for all of us, Your disciples!
I am also grateful to You for Your support and immeasurable love for Your disciples! At this difficult time — in the form of Your webinars about the Holy Dham. Thanks to these live broadcasts with You, I feel myself “filled”, and inspired. Thank You!
Also, thank You for Your messages in WhatsApp for the family of Your disciples — thanks to them, we can always invisibly be with You, know what You are thinking about and what is in Your heart. This is such a mercy for me, to be a part of this family! Thank You for that!
Also, thank You for coming to the Russian Sadhu Sanga festival 2019! I was very worried, being there with my youngest son, if I could be at Your lectures and kirtans, but by the grace of the Lord, I managed to attend all the programs, conducted by You, and the son either fell asleep at this time, or played quietly with me, sometimes walking with my husband. Thank You for Your darsan on Radhastami, and also for the blessings for my sons: thanks to them, the eldest son safely lives with his wife and son, practicing Krishna Consciousness «in his own mode», and the younger one (of 3 years old) so far, “absorbs” our way of life, inspiring us to set a good example of devotees. Please, continue to lead them in the spiritual life!
At this festival, You devoted so much time to everyone, who wanted it, communicating, inspiring, giving Your smile, attention, care and love! It was real happiness and luck for me: to see this love exchange with disciples and the manifestation of Lord Nityananda’s mood — to save all souls, sparing no effort and time!
And this lecture, in which You shared Your experience of distributing books in the shopping center of Paris, was just a real “detective story”! All the listeners felt what You were experiencing: they laughed and cried, inspired by Your example! Thank You very much!
Also, thanks for the example of a tireless preacher, who is ready to share the nectar of the Holy Names with everyone, infecting us with this taste! Let me offer You our modest efforts in Harinam in our city this year! Please, by Your grace, let these Harinams continue after quarantine and improve every time!
Also, thank You for Your letter, addressed to Your disciple, who became a mother, in which You teach to devote еvery free minute to spiritual practice, remembering the main goal of life — I draw constant inspiration, re-reading it, and learn to be a good devotee-mother! Thank You for sharing it with us!
Dear Srila Gurudev, forgive me all voluntary and involuntary offences, also I pray at Your lotus feet, that I will become more stable and deep in my spiritual practice, cleansing my heart better and better, so that one day I come to this high and so far seeming unattainable reality — love to the Lord! Allow me to become a useful tool in Your hands! Allow to always remember Your instructions and follow them!
Your minor servant, Padmini Radhika dasi