
From Saci Sundari dasi – Russia, Izhevsk

Dear Srila Gurudev, Indradyumna Swami Maharaj!
Accept my humble obeisances in the dust of Your lotus feet! All glories to You and Srila Prabhupada!
On the Day of Your Appearance, dear Gurudev, please accept my congratulations. Many of Your disciples around the world, saved by Your kindness and mercy, are rejoicing and are exultant this day. I am happy, too. The moment You showered Your mercy on me by accepting me as Your disciple, my life become meaningful, and by Your causeless grace, every day of my existence is filled with the joy of devotional service.
By Your constant service to Srila Prabhupada’s mission, by Your inspiration, warmth, and steadfastness, dear Srila Gurudev, You inspire me to continue my service to You, Srila Prabhupada, and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Through the obstacles of material everyday life only Your voice, Your instructions, Your example encourage me to move and see the purpose of my life. And while I do not realize many things, I do not understand many things, I cannot do a lot on my spiritual path, only by Your grace and thanks to Your example of service, with tears of gratitude, I continue to serve Your mission.
In my small town, I am engaged in a service related to children. There are about twenty families, about forty children from two to fifteen years old, who grow up together in Krsna Consciousness. I have the opportunity to be a part of this service and help with the “Vrindavan Family Club” project.
You have instructed me on the question: “What is most important in serving with children is that they should be happy in Krsna Consciousness?” I try to keep this instruction in my head and constantly think how it can be done in our Yatra. I promise to be steadfast in the carrying out Your instructions, but only by Your grace, dear Maharaj, can I succeed. Your example and inexhaustible love for children inspire me and give me the energy to continue my service to You. Although, sometimes it is very difficult…
Thank You, dear Srila Gurudev, for all that You are doing, for Your love and care, and for Your example of devotional service to Lord Sri Krsna!
Each of our personal meetings leaves a huge trace in my heart, and impressions that change my consciousness again and again, give me strength and move me in the right direction. Dear Srila Gurudev, bless me to follow Your instructions and serve Your lotus feet. Bless me to remain in the company of devotees and serve them. Bless me to always remember Krsna and never forget him.
Let Your glory spread through all three worlds!
Your eternal servant, Saci Sundari dasi