
From Sri Kamini dasi – Russia, Kazan

Dear Srila Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to You! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Please, allow me to congratulate You on the day of Your Appearance, and to try to express my deep gratitude to You for what You have done for me and for my family (of course, even for millions of lives I will not be able to thank You for the grace that You pour on me).
It is said that Vaisnavas do not particularly fancy celebrating birthdays in the material world. But, thanks to Your birth here, You are now saving thousands of conditioned souls, and leading them to Srila Prabhupada’s feet. Is this a real feast and a great fortune for all! As Srila Prabhupada said: “Get the most out of a bad deal”. And this material body is a bad deal, but my great luck and causeless mercy is that I met You and Srila Prabhupada.
Reflecting on my life, I see it divided into up to and after meeting You. Honestly, I am afraid to imagine what I would I have been doing if I was not for You… But by Your grace, which I do not even understand how I deserved, I now belong to this beautiful family of Srila Prabhupada. I am surrounded by wonderful devotees, and it is such happiness and fortune that I will not probably fully appreciate. Thank You, Srila Gurudev.
Thanks to Your service to Srila Prabhupada on the Polish Tour, millions of people have heard the Holy names and got thousands of servings of prasadam. I had great luck, to get in touch with this service on the tour. These were the happiest months of my life. And I pray to come again and again to the Polish tour. I am really missing it. I do not feel enough of Your presence. But I have great faith that You are always present in Your lectures and instructions. In Your lectures I have often found answers to my questions. And when it is difficult to be on Harinam, I always imagine that You are nearby, and my enthusiasm to preach immediately returns. Sometimes in the evening I tell myself: “I am tired, tomorrow I will not go on Harinam. I need to rest.” And in the morning, when I get up, and I actually have strength and understanding, that I have to go. And, of course, afterwards I am happy that one more time I could go on Harinam. As senior devotees quote Your words: “Harinam does not need You, You need Harinam”. I always keep it in mind.
I am writing an offering to You, and I have so much gratitude to You, that I cannot really put it in my letter. Everything is mixed up in my head… You give me so much: an opportunity to serve the Deities and to chant the Holy names.
You give me an opportunity to participate in Harinam sankirtan, You opened Holy places to me, and made it possible to somehow try to help You in serving Srila Prabhupada. This is a real treasure!
Now I have a wonderful husband, Radha Syamasundara das, and my son, Syama Rasa. Together we try to regularly visit Harinams. Of course, at the present times of the virus we really miss it.
Please, Srila Gurudev, bless our family to forever remain in service to You and Srila Prabhupada, and never forget about Krsna and the Holy name!
Your servant and disciple, Sri Kamini dasi