
From Sri Radhika Carana Seva dasi – Russia, Saint Petersburg

Dear Srila Gurudev,
All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet!
I am so happy that I have an opportunity to congratulate you with your appearance day! Meeting you is my greatest fortune in life! But I didn’t recognize that you are my spiritual master when I saw you for the first time. Many years I had an association with your disciples, and even participated in the Polish tour. I always admired for your devotion to Srila Prabhupada, with that each minute of your life is full of love for him. You gave to Prabhupada your life and soul and you want to please him so much! You are preaching with such power, that sometimes it seems that it can’t be better, but the next moment you find new bigger opportunities to tell people about Krsna!
I’m also inspired by how do you preach: with respect, delicacy, in a soft way and without compromising at the same time! Even now, being in Vrindavan, you give so many classes that are being distributed throughout the world! You also inspire me by your deity worshiping! You worship them so consciously, personally to each form of the Lord, showing an example of a humble servant. When I see such an attitude, my personal worship of deities alives! And of course I can’t forget to mention your attitude towards the Holy name. Once I heard in your lecture your phrase “I never chanted mechanically”. And it stayed in my heart as a tattoo, and helped me to chant attentively. Almost in every lecture you mention, that the main service of a devotee is an attentive chanting!
Thank you Srila Gurudev for being an example in everything! And following you I can be sure that I am going in the right direction!
would like to offer you my attempts to serve Srila Prabhupada this year. Each time I associate with people I tell them about Krsna in some way, I post pictures on the internet, I tell there that I am happy because of Krsna Consciousness. If my relationships with someone goes further I give them Bhagavad Gita, because I am convinced that their life will change, as it happened in my case. During last year I distributed ten Bhagavad Gitas. I also use every opportunity to distribute prasadam.
In December previous year I gave birth to a girl, prematurely, due to that we spent 2.5 months in the hospital. I was remembering you and this helped me to show an example of a devotee, be patient, accept everything as a mercy of the Lord and tell everyone about Krsna. As a result I could distribute eight Bhagavad Gitas and fed almost all of medical staff with prasadam.
Dear Srila Gurudev, this all happened due to your example,which is so inspiring, that I would like to develop the same devotion to Guru as you have!
I also would like to offer you my service to my kids. My first son, to whom you gave a spiritual name Mukunda is 2,5 years old. He likes to sing kirtans, although he can’t speak properly yet, but he sings kirtans every day, and also plays on karatals and mridanga. When he was inside me, I was listening to your lectures and kirtans every day. Now, when I am serving my kids I imagine, that I am on sankirtana and have met a soul I need to tell about Krsna, and in that way I remind myself that these kids don’t belong to me, they came to find Krsna and I need to put on all my energy to help them and do it with love.
Dear Srila Gurudev, I would like to tell you so many things, but I appreciate and respect your time, and I know that even if we don’t have close association, our connection is spiritual. Listening to your lectures I am getting all the cream! I thank you thousand times that you accepted me as your disciple and guided me since my childhood, connecting me with devotees and Krsna! You are my best and closest friend and instead of my laziness and ignorance I would like to bring you joy with my service.
On this auspicious day I wanted to ask for your blessings, but I can’t, because you have given to me already the blessing to chant the Holy name, you have given so many lectures in which I can find the answer to any question, and you teach us how to be a perfect disciple by your example. That’s why I offer my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet and continue to listen and do whatever you say.
With a great gratitude, Sri Radhika Carana Seva dasi