
From Vrindavan Sundari dasi – Russia, Tyumen

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Hare Krishna! Please accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet! My most humble obeisances to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
On this significant day, the day of your Vyasa Puja, I am very grateful to you for all the most valuable and best things that I have. Every day you bring me closer and closer to Krishna.
I was born in a family of devotees. But everyone has his own way. And there was a time in my life when I gave up Krishna Consciousness, I joined a bad company and had too many bad habits. It was in 2014, and it was that year of the greatest changes in my life. In May our house burned down and nothing left. The first day I was very sad and I had no idea about the future. But I had strong faith that Krishna would help us. Devotees from all over the world were donating money for the construction of a new house. Krishna always takes care of His devotees. But after that the most important thing happened. By your mercy, my WHOLE FAMILY went to the Polish tour. The Polish tour changed my life radically! The same year I got your pranam, and two years later you initiated me. My heart and mind changed greatly. If that year I did not come to the tour, then I couldn’t imagine where I would be now. You actually saved me! No one can imagine how dear the Polish tour is to me. This is the dearest thing in my life and I won’t exchange it for anything! In my childhood we wished that the tour would go all year round, in fact we still dream about it. I have been participating in the Polish tour since 2009, there were so many changes over the years. But every year the tour is getting sweeter and sweeter. Those who haven’t been to the Polish tour lose a lot. The daily festivals that take place under your guidance, the opportunity to see you and serve you, Srila Prabhupada and your mission every day for two months! I will never forget the day when only a few people came to the Bhagavatam class and you went singing kirtans around the school and waking everyone up… This is real nectar! Especially Woodstock! Every day more than ten hours of kirtan, crazy dances with Chaturatma prabhu, nectarean kirtans with His Holiness Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami, Madhava prabhu, Bada Haridas prabhu and other exalted Vaisnavas, Ratha-yatra every day, ecstatic service… Is there something better than all that? I am sure that Srila Prabhupada is always watching you and he is 100% satisfied with you! Some people criticize the tour, but they don’t even know how much nectar they can get there, and how many souls you save! I pray that the Polish tour will continue for hundreds and hundreds of years…
Forever! This is the most valuable thing for me. I am very grateful to you for starting these festivals and organizing them for the past thirty years! I am sure that Srila Prabhupada always helps you in your service, in your mission.
I am grateful to you that every year, by your mercy, Vrindavan is more and more revealed for me. Srila Prabhupada revealed Vrindavan to you, and you, by your causeless mercy, open it to us. Vrindavan… That is the most beautiful place on earth! I am very grateful to you for all those instructions that you gave me. I am very grateful to you for all those blessings that you gave; your blessings always are effective.
I am ready to follow you anywhere, even to the hellish planets. After all, wherever you go, the holy name of Krishna will be there and you will spread the glory of the holy name! Nothing could be better than always following your footsteps everywhere and helping you in spreading the mission of Lord Caitanya! Thank you so much that every day I have the opportunity to continue to serve Srila Prabhupada and to perform my service. You saved me from an ordinary mundane life by giving me something for which I can never repay you. Life after life, I am ready to follow you wherever you go!
I want to wish you good health, so that you can be present in this world for as long as possible and spread the sankirtan movement! Let the Polish tour never end, I know for sure that you really want it to continue under any circumstances, you have invested so much love in it, your whole soul, that it must never end, because it is condensed nectar! I pray very much to have a chance to see you again and to serve you and Srila Prabhupada every year!
All glories to you, Srila Gurudeva! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I am immensely grateful to you for EVERYTHING! I will forever be indebted to you and will never be able to return to you even the smallest of what you gave me.
Dear Gurudeva, last year wasn’t easy. But when I recall the Polish tour and parikramas in Vrindavan, I realize that everything is great! I have something in my heart from what I’ll have inspiration for every day. I had the best childhood in Krishna Consciousness and I’m so grateful to you! All this happened only by your mercy. I will always remember these sweet days which I spend on harinam in my childhood… When I was with you everywhere… Thank you soooo much for the best childhood! I’m very successful!
Please bless me for performing my service better and better every day. I have only few desires: to keep Vrindavan in my heart forever, to perform my service on the Polish tour for my whole life, and to help you and Srila Prabhupada spread the Krishna Consciousness around the world. I’m so happy to have you in my life! I’ll never forget you!
Your faithful servant and disciple, Vrindavan Sundari dasi