
From bhaktin Anastasia Ragino – Russia, Sochi

Dear Gurudev,
Hare Krishna! All glory to you and Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humble obeisances at your Lotus feet.
Let me congratulate y ou on the day of your appearance! Everything that happens in my life is your infinite mercy.
This is my first letter to you, and I apologize for being emotional and sloppy. With your permission, I bring you my small “advancements” in spiritual life for this year:
1 There was a permanent service for Tulasi Devi.
2 I was cured after a long illness. I’ll explain why it’s here. I had a mental disorder and I hardly went out for about two years. And I could not attend lectures and go to the temple, so I “practiced” as much as possible at home. And one day, in Novosibirsk, in April 2018, Krishna came to my block. Seriously, just two houses from me, not driving from one side of the city to the other. And my husband said, “Maharaj has arrived, let’s go.” And I resisted for a long time, but in the end I went. You were there. You gave darshan, signed books. And someone was told that I need to come. And there was a queue for infinity. And by chance, our friend took a place for us in that line, and you were so close. I had to wait for three people only. And when the turn came, I bowed at your lotus feet, and o God! I felt good, as if the illness had never happened. You smiled at me and when you signed the book, you slapped my husband on the forehead, so we all laughed, and then after you had already left, we ended up in the local Vaisnava newspaper, on first page. The exact moment when you hit my husband over the head with a book! Of course, the fact that you are my Guru came to me later. Thank you for that. I realized that the disease is temporary and may not always be with me! Only service, association with devotees, reading books etc, cured me for good. Thank you! Jai Gurudev!
3 Found service in the temple. And I love it. I like to wash Krishna’s dishes after prasadam. It’s nectar!
4 I learned to play the karatals.
5 I have found the best service for you. I edit your transcribed lectures for narottam.com.
6 Moved to another city. We are from Siberia, and you did not plan to come there this year. And I was praying that I would somehow get to your Vyasa Puja somewhere. And a couple of days later, my husband approached me with an offer to move to Sochi. Thank you, dear Srila Gurudev, for this opportunity, even though you did not come, but now I will be waiting for you here.
And I know that I am completely unworthy of you and your love. Thank you and Srila Prabhupada for the opportunity to serve you. I hope this little offering won’t take you long. And of course I hope that you will read it.
I look forward to meeting you. And I am sure that I will not be able to hold back my tears, I will fall into your feet and say “Gurudev, I am all yours! You’ve melted my heart. And every breath I take is your grace’s.”
Thank you and Srila Prabhupada for not leaving my dirty heart and occupying it with serving your lotus feet. Your birthday is my most important holiday. Thank you, dear Lord, for having a pure devotee of the Lord like you in my heart.
Your servant, bhaktin Anastasia