
from bhakta Imre Nagy – Hungary, Budapest

Dear Indradyumna Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I would like to write to you on this day, on the occasion of your
appearance day.

I would like to express my gratitude to you, for enthusing and inspiring me. You are encouraging me to continue my service even when it’s difficult, keeping me to go on with prasadam distribution and cooking.

It’s so amazing all that you’re doing. I saw during the Polish Woodstock Festival, how you pulled the chariot, distributed prasadam to the devotees, and sang storming kirtanas. There is not enough time in a day which would include all the devotional service that you manage to do.

During the Ratha-yatra Festival, when the chariot had to be turned but the wheels were stuck in the mud and water, you stood beside the ropes and pulled it with such great energy that even the youth was envious.
You created such a spiritual atmosphere during the kirtanas, that everybody cried out loudly to Krsna, singing the Maha-mantra with all their might.

These are such nectar drops, ones that I cherish and keep deep in my heart. You had so many duties, still you made time for serving the devotees regularly. You inspire me to chant my rounds attentively and meditate on Krsna.
You inspire me to cultivate and strengthen my relationship with Krsna.

.I can only express my gratitude to you.

Your humble servant, bhakta Imre Nagy