
from bhakta Rama Natarajan – United States, Dallas

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

I want to wish you a very happy Vyasa Puja, and hope you’re staying safe and healthy in Vrindavan.

I have had a lot of wonderful memories with you, like the time you stayed at my house in September of 2018 for your Viva Kultura Program. I loved how you worship your deities, Radha Rasika Rai, with your attention to detail and love for doing service for Them. At the end of your stay I promised you that I will be chanting four rounds every day and I have been keeping up with that. Every year I looked forward to coming to Sadhu Sanga and listening to your kirtans and getting your association, but this year was different because of the pandemic. You are so dedicated to Srila Prabhupada and spreading Krishna Consciousness and I hope to have that same love and dedication to serve you and Krishna.

Your mood of serving the devotees of the Lord is an inspiration to all your disciples and I hope to get your blessings, so I can one day become your disciple. On this auspicious day I pray to Sri Sri Radha Kalachanji to give you a long healthy life so I can continue to serve you.

Your Servant, bhakta Rama

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