
from bhaktin Kinga Pataki – Hungary, Somogyvámos

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to You.

Just one year passed since your last Vyasa Puja celebration, but it seems a much longer period of time, because the world is revolving in slow motion now. It is your appearance day, Srila Gurudeva, so I would like to thank You for a chance to appreciate Your association in 2019. Unfortunately, I am not good at formal offerings, so I chose to recall some of my favorite memories with You.

First of all, in summer I was so fortunate to join the Polish tour and Woodstock for 3 and a half weeks. It was an incredible experience to participate in the tour. I will never forget that devotional spiritual atmosphere beginning from the morning programs through the harinamas till the end of the evening shows. The Polish tour is a great possibility to join the preaching mission of Srila Prabhupada, a unique opportunity to learn devotion from older godbrothers
and godsisters and to make new friends with devotees from various countries.
It was nice to see our festival guests with happy faces enjoying themselves in
saris and dhotis in the evenings. How excited they were about the opportunity to get these devotional clothes! It was crazy, they got so many that You had to ask for more and more saris from the devotees; and I also donated one of my favorite ones. I cannot forget the magnificent theatre plays. My number one favorite is the memorable Sita Rama play. When I served in the fashion tent, there was a small girl about five years old, who sang again and again the main verse of the play while we were dressing her, and I just could not believe that.

During the holy month of Kartik I was so fortunate to participate in the full Vrindavan parikram with my fiancée and Tulasi Maharani mataji. It was an unforgettable spiritual experience in the holy dham for all of us. I will never forget those devotional bhajans and deep classes about the pastimes of Radha and Krishna. My favorite day was when we visited the holy place of Camelivan. I will never forget your inspirational double class on the role of the most humble servant, Sri Hanuman, and neither those ecstatic kirtanas of Bada Haridas prabhu. This journey was my first visit to India and I was very glad to spend it in your association. Another deep impression for me was the Govardhan parikrama. It was a very special spiritual experience to walk and chant around Sri Govardhan. I was so glad that I could get your new book, I am sure it contains a lot of nectar about the secrets of Sri Govardhan. I would also like to thank You for allowing all of us to participate in the Go-puja program of the family of Pundarik Goswami. I have never dreamt about such a magnificent Go-puja home festival like this. I hope Krishna will give me a chance to go to India in the near future for a new chapter of relishing the mood of Sri Vrindavan dham and all the other holy places in Your elevating association.

After the overdose of the positive impressions, the New Year started with the news about your operation. We worried and prayed a lot for Your successful recovery and You showed us a unique example how strong Your determination can be. You took up the gym exercises like a tireless Super Hero. You wanted to miss the least time from preaching, because the world was waiting for You to wake up the dormant conditioned souls under the flag of Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

You are ageless and fearless under the protection of Lord Nrisimhadeva. I pray to Lord Nrisimhadeva every day for Your protection in your preaching journeys worldwide. Thank You, Srila Gurudeva, for Your strenuous effort to encourage us from Vrindavan with your webinars in this covid-affected world situation.

Thank You for your kindness, Your care, Your teachings on the value of devotees’ association and for the precious thematic classes. These webinars are golden hours as they stream us Your association. Your words are the torch of knowledge, which help to open our eyes and our hearts. I offer my respectful obeisances to Your lotus feet.

Your eternal servant, bhaktin Kinga Pataki