from bhaktin Ksina Syamasundara Valdes – United States, Alachua
Dear Gurudev,
Hare Krsna! Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I always find myself at a loss for words when writing to you, solely because the gratitude I have for you is impossible to explain. That and I am not as eloquent of a writer as you are. But, dear Gurudev, I would like to thank you for continuously inspiring me to become a better devotee. Ever since I was a little girl your love, faith, and devotion for Krsna inspired confidence in my own devotional life.
One of your disciples, Syamala Devi Dasi, recently expressed that her first memory of me was in Alachua during our Krsna Balaram installation. The memory was of me crying with you when I was a little girl, I must have been about 9 years old. You had been visiting us here, in Alachua, and your trip was coming to an end. I was so sad that you had to leave. I believe my parents and I were walking you to your car with Caturatma Prabhu, and I started crying and I could not stop because I did not want to say goodbye.
Every time you would visit, I would cry when you would leave, and the only thing, that kept me going was my freshly signed copy of your latest diary. I would read the personal message you signed for me over and over before diving into the wonders that awaited in each diary chapter. My parents could not get me to put it down — not until my eyes would get heavy and I would eventually fall asleep.
I remember a long time ago when going onto your website you had this kirtan that would play automatically, and I would reload the website over and over just to hear that kirtan. I also remember you having a beautiful CD. It was my favorite CD, I would also listen to it on repeat.
This was all because I could feel love for Krsna through you. It really felt like magic. Through your association, your stories, your sweet kirtans… Ever since I can remember your faith has kept mine alive. Your steady and confident love for Krsna is the anchor for my devotional life. Any attraction I have for Krsna Consciousness is due to your mercy and the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. So, my dear Gurudev, words cannot suffice to explain my gratitude to you. Yet, I will thank you every chance I get.
Thank you, Srila Gurudev. Hare Krsna.
Sincerely your servant, bhaktin Ksina Syamasundara