from bhaktin Radhika Natarajan – United States, Dallas
Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you!
I want to wish you a very happy Vyasa Puja and thank you for being an incredible role model and an inspiration for me and for all of your disciples around the world.
After being elected by my family to give you an offering I realized that this moment brings back a memory from nine years ago when I last gave you an offering for your Vyasa Puja. The year was 2011 and your Vyasa Puja for your 60th birthday was held in Dallas and all of your disciples were there to celebrate with you. The night before the puja, my dad was driving us back from the Dallas temple to your hotel and we were discussing the Vyasa Puja that was the next day. You then asked me, if I was giving you an offering, and when I replied no, you said: “Well, can you write one tonight?”
I stayed up way past my bedtime thinking of all of the things that I would want to say to you, much like I did when writing this. I don’t remember much what I was saying in front of everyone the next day but I do remember how I felt when making an offering to you that day. I remember feeling extremely nervous that day because of the highly exalted devotees that spoke before me who used really gorgeous words and quoted from scriptures. Next to that, the offering that a 10-year-old girl wrote in only a few hours felt inadequate in comparison. But after getting up on stage and reading what I had written to you, I realized why you had wanted me to speak. These offerings aren’t about how many complex words one can string into a sentence or the number of verses one can quote in your speech. I realized that it’s about showing our gratitude, admiration and love to you and being able to reciprocate the love that you show us every day. Through your lectures, diaries, videos, and now your webinars, you are a constant inspiration and role model for all us, making us one day gain real love for Krishna that you have.
When I was thinking of memories that I would want to share, one immediately popped up in my mind. It was September 2018 when your Viva Kultura Program had a show in Dallas. You stayed at our house for a few days and I have many memories. How you performed your puja, related anything in the world to Krishna Consciousness, and also how you were able to eat more than ten scoops of chocolate ice cream after you bought sixteen pints to show us how to throw a proper birthday party.
The main thing that I remember from those few days was when we went to the mall and we stopped by a watch store. As we were looking around, we were approached by an employee who helped us look at the different products they sold. Slowly the conversation shifted and the next thing I knew you were telling him about Krishna Consciousness and inviting him to the program that evening. I felt like I was witnessing a chapter from one of your diaries come to life. I saw what it meant when you devoted your life to preaching Krishna Consciousness. You wanted to bring more people knowledge about Krishna so they can start to love and serve Him.
Over the years when I’ve had the privilege of associating with you, your determination and dedication for spreading Srila Prabhupada’s mission as well as the love that you have for everyone you meet have been qualities of yours that I admire. I really hope you have had a wonderful Vyasa Puja and that we continue to have your association for many years to come. I pray to Sri Sri Radha Kalachanji to give you a long and healthy life so I can continue to serve you.
Your servant, bhaktin Radhika