from bhaktin Vrinda Balgam – United States, Dallas
Dear Srila Gurudev,
Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you on this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja and birthday!
It’s incredible to think about how ten years ago, I was holding your hand and sitting in the temple room with you in Dallas, just a 7 year old and with your guidance now an aspiring disciple about to graduate. Words can’t begin to explain how grateful I am to have been inspired by your work across the globe from dham to dham, to see how many people you take under your wings and how lucky I am that you have given me shelter as my spiritual master.
The years of getting to travel and not only see your amazing work in Poland but also get to experience the dham of Vrindavan has been inspiring. If that isn’t enough, your visits to Dallas are what truly made me realize how much I was awaiting your instruction as I have been able to grow into who I am now. While it is most unfortunate that this weekend we do not get to meet as we would every other year, somehow you made sure that we still got association through your instructions and regular classes which has made this quarantine so much easier to bear. I am very thankful for being able to hear your words and for the time and effort you put into taking care of us devotees.
I know in the past something I truly struggled with was japa and time and again I’ve asked you “What can I do to improve? What can I do to motivate myself to continue doing my japa?”. No matter how many times I ask, you’ve given me many answers, each different and each so beneficial to what I was asking. You knew what I needed when I was young and then later when I was barely a teenager and even now as I am slowly growing up. I thank you for all of your guidance and hope to continue my efforts under your instruction. I am now doing my rounds daily and am working on making them more consistent. Your voice and your instructions keep me going and remind me how to be motivated to do quality japa especially in times like these. For that, I am ever grateful.
As of recently, it seems like I’ve been connecting with so many devotee friends and all of them seem to agree on the same thing. We all are so dejected that we weren’t able to hold a Sadhu Sanga Retreat and how impactful it is for all of us. To have that association and be able to see you and each other between the ecstatic kirtan which your festival brings us all together for. I hope I get to see you soon and it means the world to me to be able to hear your voice and your instructions personally.
After taking part in so many adventures with you, I am extremely happy that they have shaped me in such a way that I can hopefully continue serving you through whatever the career college takes me through. This following week I will be graduating high school and working towards my college plans. You’ve pushed me to remember what I am passionate for and to be the very best student I can be and I pray for your blessings that I can continue to be successful and drive that passion towards my Krishna Consciousness life under your shelter. I hope that one day soon I am lucky enough to take initiation from you whenever that day comes with your unlimited mercy.
Thank you Srila Gurudev for everything that you do and thank you for always being there for your disciples especially through these times. Happy Birthday and Happy Vyasa Puja Srila Gurudev!
All my love as your aspiring disciple, bhaktin Vrinda