from H.G. Chaturatma Prabhu – United States, Alachua
How do you thank someone who has given you the most wonderful present in the world? Well, first you could ask, What is that present? Love. Indradyumna Swami has shared with me his love for Prabhupada, his love for Krsna and Mahaprabhu, his love for the
Holy Dhamas, his love for devotional service in all of its many wondrous forms, his love for festivals big and small — but mostly big! — his love for his disciples and then of course, his love for me.
Taking me under his wing he has brought me to a level of devotional service and devotional realization that I would have never had on my own. Just look at the relationships I have with so many of you. What are the chances of a small time midwestern US boy having so many friends in such a place as Russia?
But because Srila Gurudeva has taken me with him, introduced me as someone equal to him (which I will never be) and encouraged me to assist, serve and offer some guidance to his disciples, because of all that, I have had an amazing past fifteen years of expanded service to Srila Prabhupada. Indradyumna Swami gets great pleasure from seeing his disciples learn to appreciate, learn to serve, and learn to hear from his god brothers. To this end he has given me a platform for sharing my limited understanding of Krsna Consciousness with all of you. In his kind humility he even sits and listens to the words I have to say.
For this gift of love he has shared with me… I am forever indebted by my own gratitude, love and appreciation to Srila Gurudeva. While we were forced to be separated this year due to the world condition, he stayed in touch with me, shared his feelings with me, expressed how much he missed me and I the same to him. He often lets me fall into the illusion of thinking that we are both preaching on the same stage of the world, but I know in my heart the difference.
As Arjuna says to Krsna in the Bhagavad Gita [11.41-42]:
“I have in the past addressed You as “O Krsna”, “O Yadava”, “O my friend” without knowing Your glories. Please forgive whatever I may have done in madness or in love. I have dishonored You many times while relaxing or while lying on the same bed or eating together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. Please excuse me for all my offenses.”
So in this way, Gurudeva, I’ve often told you what to wear, where to go or where not to go, what to eat and what not to eat and most often — how long your classes should be! But as with Arjuna, these are done in both madness and love so please forgive these offenses.
Now, on a friend’s birthday, it is fair game to ask a gift from that friend. So I ask this gift from you… Please, please never kick me away but always keep my by your side and keep me engaged in serving Prabhupada by serving you.
Thank you from the depths of my heart.
Your servant, Chaturatma Das