from Kirtaniya Gaura Das – United States, Arlington Heights
Dear Srila Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I like you so much because you are always in an ecstatic mood and you are so amazing!
In Vrindavan, in the forest, I want to go everywhere with you. Last time you said — how we can go around the mountains in Sadhu Sanga. And you said my mom would make pizza, ice cream when we go. I am waiting to be with you and missing you.
I am missing having cereals with you and I am missing hugging you.
I will not see you this year, at Sadhu Sanga retreat, but I increased my chanting rounds up to three everyday. I am reading Srimad Bhagavatam every day, and I read 7th Canto for Nrsimha Caturdashi and also your Govardhan book.
I am practising mrdanga, harmonium, piano everyday and I want to play it whenever I will see you in person. I am trying to listen to your webinars and I want to be your humble copycat.
I am missing all the love you give me.
So I am going to play this song called “Copy-cat” for you.
Your servant, Kirtaniya Gaura Das