
from Kumari Sri Dasi – India, Mayapur

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

On your birthday, your disciples, followers and well-wishers glorify you. Actually, every day is glorious for us, because you are here for us as the leader of our spiritual lives, our role model and as our father also. Whatever you do, with each act, you preach Srila Prabhupada’s teachings. Wherever you are, with your world-famous festivals you bring the spiritual world to the audience. There they experience such deep taste, that even after they’ve returned home, they hanker for the same experience again and again. I feel the same way. I have received the same, never ending spiritual hankering during a festival in Szolnok, Hungary in 1992.

You are my path to the spiritual world. I often leave this path, but you lead me back each time, like a loving father would his child who’s wandered off. Please continue to lead me along the path. I wish to follow you forever. I owe you everything: Na pāraye ‘ham.

he guro jñāna-da dīna-bandho svānanda-dātaḥ karuṇaika-sindho
vṛndāvanāsīna hitāvatāra
prasīda rādhā-praṇaya-pracāra

“Oh, spiritual master, oh giver of divine wisdom, oh friend of the fallen, you are the giver of your own bliss and you are the only ocean of mercy. Although dwelling in Vrindavana, you have descended for the welfare of fallen souls like myself and you are preaching the divine love of Radha for Krishna. Please be kind upon me.” [Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata, Adi-khanda, chapter 9, verse 1].

Your servant, Kumari Sri Dasi