from Madhuri Sri Dasi – Hungary, Dunakeszi
Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.
My dear spiritual master, greetings on your appearance day. Another year has passed. Only now, as I organize my memories, feelings,
thoughts, only now do I realize that I am counting the new year from your
appearance day. It is always at this time of the year that I feel the fullness, that one part has ended and a new one begins. I was never attracted to celebrating the non-devotional new year and I am not advanced enough to understand the Vaisnava new year. But you, you mean my life to me, therefore the new year means you.
A few weeks ago, I was asked to give a lecture in the temple, in the mataji asrama meeting. I was very surprised that they would turn to me with such a request. They saw the shock on my face. I asked them why they want me to speak. They replied that I can always speak so inspiringly, I tell such good stories
and realizations. I replied to them that it was not me, but my Spiritual Master 71
and all that I have learned from his lectures. I’m just the postman. But because
of your mercy, even such an unqualified postman can deliver the message to those who need it. This story shows me your glory.
I will never forget when you mentioned in a lecture that the maha-mantra provides real protection. And then you drew a circle around you like the mantra protecting Sita devi. I hope that one day I will also have such a strong faith in the Holy Name. Now, in the ever-changing everyday life which really shows the duality and disappointing qualities of the material world, you are the protection for me. Your words are that make me sober, fill me with reassurance, inspire and give me purpose. Without you, I am an ignorant person imprisoned in the material world. But with you, I am an eternally free soul on the way home who doesn’t care how far and what way she has to go because she knows she is in good hands. In the hands of a real sadhu. Once in a lecture you said that the sign of a real sadhu is that by listening to him one gives up all material desires. When I listen to your lectures, all my material problems become irrelevant and I see real values. Over and over again when I start to forget what is real and when maya begins to captivate me more and more, you remind me what is important and you pull me out of maya’s clutches. This is such shelter for which I am forever grateful to you!
All glories to you, Srila Gurudeva, for living and serving tirelessly so that the message of Lord Caitanya can reach as many people as possible, so that you can give shelter to as many people as possible, to offer a beautiful service to your beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. With your personality, your personal example, your devotion to your disciples, you have taken an eternal place in my heart.
Thank you for everything Srila Gurudeva. I look forward to the opportunity to meet you in person and to serve together. Please keep me in the shadow of your lotus feet.
With a grateful heart, your insignificant servant, Madhuri Sri Dasi