
from Narada Risi Das – India, Vrindavan

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you!

“Once upon a time in a distant galaxy…” the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu were going on! So it was this time, too!

Once at the Polish tour we walked with the harinam along the beach and you took a short break. We all sat on the sand and went chanting the holy names; someone chanted gayatri and then you took some sand in your hand and started pouring it from one palm to another, saying: “In fact, the universes are more numerous than sand on this beach, and in every universe there are living entities that need the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Actually, we can go with this very group to other universes and distribute the mercy of Lord Gauranga!” It seems that we are really doing that, at least those, who are helping you in your service to Srila Prabhupada. Sometimes you say that the guru and the disciple have an eternal relationship, meaning that there is no beginning and there will be no end of this relationship, it stays the same in the spiritual world. And that also means that I and everything I have is forever yours; whatever I donate to you, it is already yours, and my only possessions are my love for you, the desire to serve you and to satisfy you with my service.

Once you said that at the beginning of the Krishna Consciousness movement there was a competition among the devotees for the right to be the first to go to a place, where nobody knows Krishna, but now there is no such a place on our planet and there is only one thing left, to go to other planets or to other universes. After saying that, you asked: “Who wants to follow me there?”

Also sometimes you say that you want to go to the place, where Srila Prabhupada is now, to help him in his service to Krishna. So, what is the relationship of guru and disciple? It is in my readiness as a disciple to help you in the service to Srila Prabhupada! I want to help you in your service to Srila Prabhupada, wherever you go! And I am ready to go there right now!

An eternal servant of your servants, Narada Risi Das