from Nila Madhava Das – United States, Los Angeles
Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Hare Krsna! Please, accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I am writing to you today on your Vyasa Puja day, and struggling, because I simply cannot bring my mind to focus on just one of the many amazing qualities that you have. But if I am to choose from them, I am going to have to glorify the one that inspires me the most. They say that a son can inherit qualities from his father, and so, I also believe, that one can inherit many wonderful qualities from their spiritual father. His Divine Grace was an amazing leader, and I can, without a doubt, see that reflected in you. Srila Gurudev, you truly do possess the same zeal and the same passion that Srila Prabhupada embodies, and so, I would like to focus on that. Your leadership.
Recently, I have been reading books from America’s top scholars and businessmen about how to become a great leader. And book after book I have that found out that you serve as an excellent example. First, they say that a leader should be able to inspire others, that he should be able to bring people together and accomplish a mission. You single handedly inspire us to work together, no matter where, and how hard it may be. Because of this amazing quality such festivals as the Polish summer festival are possible, where all of us are ready to spend our summers working to make your vision come true. You inspire us to organize festivals for other devotees like Sadhu Sanga and Sacred Sounds. These grand projects are only possible because of you, and because you are an amazing leader, we are willing to do anything to make it happen.
The second quality that is mentioned is that a leader should be fearless, and if anyone has read your diaries, then this one should be a no-brainer. From navigating landmines in the Amazon Rainforest, to entering Gypsy Roman camps, even battling the largest organization in the world — the Catholic Church, you have proven that you are not willing to sacrifice something that you believe in so easily. Srila Gurudev, you are truly fearless, and nothing seems to ever stop you in your path. Even now, as the world is fighting an invisible enemy, you have not backed down. You are giving seminars more than before, and you spending your time digging deeper into our amazing tradition and philosophy.
The third quality that the scholars note is that a great commander should take care of his soldiers. He should speak with them frequently, give advice, and guide them through their own challenges. As anyone knows, you are always an email, Facebook message, or text away. You always remind us that you read every single message that you receive. When you speak to us, you always come prepared, and spend hours of research before ever giving a perfect class to us. You lovingly take care of us, and that only increases our love for you. Whatever we need in our own spiritual advancement you provide for us, whether that be time to chant our japa with you, the many classes you give, or the breathtaking photos you take around the world.
The final, and most important, quality that is mentioned, is that a leader should teach and lead by example. Srila Gurudev, I simply have too many examples to put in this offering! You only ask your disciples something that you are only willing to do yourself, and there are no exceptions to this rule. When you ask us to go to Mangala arati and take darsan — you are the first person that is awake. And on the contrary, when you ask us to stay up into the early morning hours for Madhava’s finishing kirtan at Woodstock — you are the last person to leave. When you ask us to serve prasadam — you are the first person to grab a serving spoon, and when it is time to go on harinam — you are the person who is leading the charge. Srila Gurudev, by your example, you teach us so much, and as the saying goes: “You practice what you preach.” One time you had mentioned that one should never waste his prasadam, and you gave us a personal example… I have never seen you let any ice cream or cake go to waste. This quality is what I believe truly defines you as a great leader.
In the last nine months I have begun preaching in some of our nation’s top public universities, and every time that I have mentioned you, the events you put on, and the amazing adventures that you had, I have a group of students asking when and how they can meet you.
I know that I cannot copy your grandeur and the scale at which you do things, but I can try to imitate a small part of it. My only wish is that one day I, your spiritual son, can inherit a small part of this quality from you and help you fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada and Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I am missing your association dearly, and I am looking forward to all the moments that we can share together soon.
Srila Gurudev ki — jaya!
Your eternal servant, Nila Madhava Das