
from Niti Laksa Das – United Kingdom, Watford

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On this auspicious occasion of your appearance I meditated on the day when I met you for the first time. Little I knew then that it was destined for our paths to cross, and as with everything in life, there are some moments that determine our destiny by the will of the Lord. Every moment I spent with you from that day onward directly impacted my life towards the progress on my spiritual path. Sometimes — through joy and laughter, and sometimes — through pain and tears, but everything you have done for me moved me forward to my desired goal.

When I came to the Festival Tour in Poland for the first time, I was deeply impressed with your determination to do everything right, to make sure everything works, that devotees have enough rest and proper food. Always leading harinama on the front and looking back checking that everyone follows and is safe. You always got up first, going from door to door waking up devotees and going to sleep last making sure everyone is taking rest. Giving classes, leading memorable kirtans and sometimes even going down to the kitchen and washing pots. One thing, that I have never seen in you, is anger. Even if someone would do something wrong you would never get angry, but will remain peaceful and calm. You show incredible true leadership and courage at every step you made while at the same time you remain incredibly humble.

Seeing all that, it brought back my memories, when I was in the army during the Balkan wars in the early 90’s. Going through many challenging moments and in a fighting spirit I was looking for a commander with whom it’s worth to die and sacrifice my life in a battle for my homeland. I was young and naive, but disappointed in my heart as I couldn’t find such a person. Then when I looked at you, with all your qualities and how much you sacrifice yourself for others, in the depth of my heart I said to myself: “Here is a person by whose side it is worth to die”. I know you can understand that feeling, as being a Marine in the US Marine Corps when you were young. And I am sure you have the same feelings for your beloved spiritual master Srila Prabhupada.

As you mentioned in the story of Kamyavan forest when Yudhisthira Maharaj was asked for a special benediction from Yamaraja, Yudhisthira Maharaja replied: “Please make me victorious in the greatest of all wars”. My benediction is to have you by my side as commander-in-chief where you are leading me in the most important and greatest war against six enemies living in my heart.

What you gave me is the most wonderful experience of a battle at every level. On your battlefield nobody is dying and no bullets are shot. It is a place where every word is a song, every step is a dance and where there is a festival every day. I treasure all your love and support that you have shown me. I love you dearly and I’m grateful to have you by my side, and that is what is worth to live for.

Your humble servant, Niti Laksa Das

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