
from Nityananda Mahajana Das – India, Indore

Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
srimate indradyumna-swamin iti namine
namah prabhupada-priya dasaya jagannatha-yatrananda murtaye
bhakta-sukhaya krishnot-kirtanena narasimhena rakshitaya namah

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

titiksavah karunikah suhrdah sarva-dehinam
ajata-satravah santah sadhavah sadhu-bhusanah

“The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies. He is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime.” [Srimad Bhagavatam, 3.25.21].

mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim
yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains.” [Bhavartha Dipika].

dhyana mulam guru murti puja mulam gurur padam,
mantra mulam gurur vakyam, moksha mulam guru kripa

“The gurus form is the best to meditate upon; the guru’s feet are the best for worship; the gurus word is the mantra; the guru’s grace is the root of liberation.” [Guru Gita, Skanda Purana, dialogue between Shiva and Uma (Sakti)].

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja.

This is my second time writing a Vyasa Puja offering and unlike many of my stalwart godbrothers I am an ignorant fool and don’t know how to write properly, so kindly forgive any offenses of mine. I will also keep short so that I don’t commit many offenses.

When you initiated me I remember you said “Live up to your name!” The meaning of my name you gave is “servant of Lord Nityananda who is a Mahajan”. You also instructed me to chant daily, to follow regulative principles and to preach boldly. I am very proud to say that I am keeping all your instructions inviolate. Never a single day I failed to chant full sixteen rounds, no matter sacrificing my sleep. That is all possible by your mercy only.

Below are few of the spiritual practices I managed to add in my life apart from regular chanting of sixteen rounds as per your instruction:

o Performing Harinam sankirtan at street on some of the Ekadasi;
o Regularly performing kirtan at home with my wife, also inviting guests sometimes;
o Conducting a spiritual seminar at my workplace among fellow colleagues;
o Extending the morning program at home (Mangal arati, Nrisimha arati, Tulasi puja, reciting Lord Caitanya’s Siksastakam, ten offenses, greeting the Deities, guru puja) while lockdown, hopefully will continue later too;
o Waking up regularly at 5 am;
o Talking and convincing colleagues and friends about the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness;
o Keeping some Srila Prabhupada’s books at my workplace as a display and distributing them to students or colleagues whoever desire to read.
Recently I was not able to join your Kartik parikrama due to some unavoidable circumstances, which by your own internal potency you might be well aware of. And I pray that by your mercy those obstacles will be removed.

I am also praying in front of your photo and Krishna and chanting to become steady in Krishna Consciousness. You have ordered me to talk and preach boldly which I am continuing at my own tiny effort both at the workplace and home and presenting Krishna Consciousness to the people.

With this I end my offering at your lotus feet. Begging for your mercy.

Yours minute servant, Nityananda Mahajana Das