from Nrsimha Prana Das – Hungary, Somogyvámos, Krishna Valley
Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I really like this time of the year when we are getting closer to your
appearance day. I always remember how thankful I am to you, but as this day is coming closer this meditation gets more and more intense.
I got a new life from you, Srila Gurudeva, a life where I have a chance to change my faults. I can live in a community where we have a common goal and I can get help from everyone. This is a temporary life and the beginning of an eternal relationship. Every day I remember my fortunate situation and for that, at every second I am thankful to you, Srila Gurudeva.
I can meet you personally very rarely but I humbly request you to continue helping me in my spiritual life.
Your insignificant servant,
Nrsimha Prana Das