from Priya Darsani Dasi – United States, Los Angeles
Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you!
Today I caught myself wishing your Vyasa Puja came more than once a year (which technically does happen) so that I could meditate upon, and appreciate your mercy more often.
You are an inspiration, and even that word does not suffice, for you alone have achieved years of dedication to your spiritual master even while suffering from material pain, never giving up faith and being exemplary. You alone have inspired thousands of devotees, if not more, to be Krishna Conscious. I am grateful to have you to look up to because you are a great teacher and I have learned so much from you.
From your loving deity worship, I’ve learned to be practical, devoted and focused. From your kirtans, I’ve learned the meaning of connecting to Krishna in a joyful way. From your photography, I’ve learned to see Krishna in everything and to hold on to beautiful spiritual memories. From your lectures and webinars, I’ve learned so many things! From great life lessons to pastimes I had never heard before. And from your diaries, I’ve learned about the unimaginable depths of Krishna’s mercy towards those seeking Him.
I pray that I can continue learning from you and eventually be worthy of your mercy.
On this special 71st Vyasa Puja, I pray to Krishna to protect you and to alleviate any suffering, for you are so dear to us.
Your humble servant, Priya Darsani Dasi