
from Radhika Carana Renu Dasi – India, Pune

Respected Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you, dear Srila Gurudeva!

You have been a savior for this drowning soul in all respects. You have taken this insignificant soul under your able wings. I literally feel like a spiritually orphaned child who has got the shelter of a most able captain for a journey home. So I am utterly grateful for your mercy upon this disciple of yours.

Gurudeva, when I first got the opportunity to serve you at Murwillumbah, when the troop got blocked out due to heavy rains, your hope-giving class changed my viewpoint completely. As you then taught us that every calamity is another opportunity to learn and grow. It was relevant then as it is relevant today. We learn from you that wherever one stays constantly remembering Krishna and His wonderful pastimes, he can always remain happy and peaceful even in the worst of material times.

Gurudeva, your mercy is unlimited, just like your desire to travel and serve the devotees in all corners of the world. What has always attracted me in you is the way you show this journey as “keval ananda kanda” — simply joyful.

Your method of cultural engineering, preaching through cultural outreach is the most effective. This mood and mission resonates with my heart for this is how I long to serve you and Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

Always aspired only to serve you and please you as much as I can. I am the most fallen to hurt you and the devotees. I am so grateful to you for having forgiven me and accepting me like a loving father.

Please bless me to become a good devotee and render some good service to you and the mission. I am currently assisting my prabhuji to run a small gurukul at the outskirts of Pune. Please bless us that we can provide the much needed cultural engineering for our ISKCON children and the society to learn a simple, natural and happy devotional life.

Most blessed to be in your loving family and under your most inspiring and happy guidance on our journey home. You told me at initiation that if I keep the enthusiasm, as I had been doing to come across the seas for my initiation ceremony, you would ensure my journey back. I beg you for both the enthusiasm on my part and your mercy to take me home from your side, my dear spiritual master.

All glories to your enthusiasm! All glories to your zeal! All glories to your happy devotional journey! All glories to you, dear Srila Gurudeva!

Your aspiring servant and disciple, Radhika Carana Renu Dasi