from Srimalla Das – United States, Avon Lake
Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to you!
I am very sorry that we will not see you this year at the “Sadhu Sanga” festival. It’s the one time of the year we all look forward to. Nothing brings us more joy than seeing our beloved spiritual master in person, associating with our god-brothers, sisters, and other well wishers, all of which are brought together by your mercy to relish in the Holy names and Krsna prasad. I am also sad to hear that the “Laxmi Nrsimha” tour has been cancelled. It has been a glorious offering to Srila Prabhupada for so many years. Despite the disappointment of plans lost and the sadness we feel, seeing you almost every day of the week on Youtube has been inspiring. This is the nature of a pure devotee such as yourself — to distribute the Holy Name and Krsna Katha for the benefit of the entire world, despite the circumstances, and to use everything at your disposal in the service of Guru and Gauranga.
You’ll be happy to know that before the lockdown, for the past few months I have been taking on a new, but familiar preaching adventure as well. With Kunjari completing her masters program and Nila is a teenager, I found the inspiration and time to start playing music again. I’m playing in a band with three dear friends, all pious people that are drug free and vegetarian/vegan that are supportive of my preaching efforts. The band is called “Soul Charge” and we released an album late last year that has Hanuman on the cover. We’ve played a handful of shows all over our home state of Ohio and I have had the pleasure of distributing many of Srila Prabhupada’s books. One boy I met, bhakta Mark from Fort Wayne, IN has become very interested in bhakti-yoga and takes his new spiritual path very seriously. He rises early, offers bhoga to a picture of Sri Sri Radha Kunja Bihari that I sent him and chants at least one round of the Hare Krsna Maha-mantra daily. In addition we are reading “Bhagavad-gita As It Is” together, one chapter a week, and discussing what we’ve read before moving on to the next chapter. It has been very invigorating for me. Despite working through most of the pandemic, I have taken advantage of the extra time in the evenings and on weekends to increase my japa, read and participate in online lectures and kirtans.
It is by your mercy Srila Gurudeva that anything we do is successful. Please bless me that I will not commit offenses and that I will steer those that have asked for my help in the right direction — toward the lotus feet of guru and Krsna.
Your humble servant, Srimalla Das