from Sudevi Sundari Dasi – United States, Bellingham
Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please, accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you on this glorious day of your appearance!
Happy Birthday, Srila Gurudeva! How wonderful it is that we are attending your Vyasa Puja even though we are on the other side of the world. We are very grateful for technology these days, for we are to be able to have your regular association through your enlivening webinars.
You are always so expert in glorifying your Spiritual Master and God family, showing your utmost respect as well as your genuine love and appreciation with true eloquence. We just pray that we can somehow convey through our words, though inefficient, how much you mean to us and how much we appreciate your transcendental presence in our lives.
Your lifetime of service and dedication to the lotus feet of your spiritual master is a great inspiration. You have certainly taken Srila Prabhupada’s personal instructions to you to “preach boldly and have faith in the Holy Name”, into the deepest core of your heart, and have shown by your example the magic that can happen when one is fully and enthusiastically engaged in the service of the Lord. Your love for him has taken you all over the world, blessing the lives of those you touch, for you are just like a touchstone and can transform people’s hearts wherever you go.
In one of your recent webinars, Akrura enters Vrindavan, you mentioned how Srila Prabhupada told one of his disciples that he would be going to the hellish planets to continue preaching. You asked the question: “Are you willing to follow him there? That is what it means to be a Prabhupada’s man.” We know you truly are a Prabhupada’s man, and you would go anywhere to serve your dear spiritual master, as there are many amazing stories about your adventures in spreading the Holy Name to every town and village. You are unstoppable in your preaching efforts, and you have been in many austere and even dangerous situations. You always bring this mood of deep bliss and devotion with you that draws people in and makes them want to dedicate their life to you and serving Krsna, just to be near you, and maybe one day get a drop of what it is you are tasting.
It has been seventeen years since you came to my town and the trajectory of my life was changed forever. Since the moment I met you I had no doubt that you were my spiritual master, the external manifestation of Krsna’s love for, me and my guide to get back to the spiritual world. How many millions of births had this fallen soul waited for that moment? That day, along with all the precious moments spent in your association, are etched into my heart forever. I hold these treasures dearly as my family strives to utilize the causeless mercy, that is always flowing from your lotus feet, in your service. While listening to your webinars for the past two months I’ve been finding myself daydreaming about being on my deathbed someday and getting to spend hours, days and weeks just listening to your lectures. They are like nectar being poured into our hearts. If I only have that good fortune… You give us a glimpse into the spiritual world and by the realization and love for Sri Vrindavan Dhama that is emanating from your lotus mouth, I know the desire to give everything up and join you would be awakened within my heart. Thank you for letting us in to your heart, Srila Gurudeva, and showing us the possibility of what could be if one surrenders their life and soul to their spiritual master. It is our greatest goal and inspiration.
Despite our lack of qualifications, our faith in you as our guru and trusted guide on the path of bhakti has never wavered, even when everything else has. Over the years you have only increased our faith in you and the power of your mercy. Many times in moments of discouragement and even despair we have turned to you, and you have always given us the determination enthusiasm and confidence to carry on. What always amazes me is your patience and faith in us as your disciples. I am so incredibly grateful that you never give up on us, and we could never give up on our aspirations to serve you. So I am confident that despite all our imperfections we will always keep striving towards the goal and we pray that by the process of Krsna Consciousness we can one day become useful instruments in your mission of serving the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada.
Thank you Srila Gurudeva! We pray for your good health and enriching association for many years to come.
Your servants,
Sudevi Sundari Dasi, Sadhu Sanga Das