
from Vallabhi Kanta Dasi – Hungary, New Vraja Dhama

My dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

Unfortunately, I have no opportunity to write a long letter to you right now, although I would like to write to you every month…

Recently you have mentioned that, maybe, you will remain with us for 12 more years. This prophecy shocked me a little bit, because in the last 12 years I could not meet you so often. If I look back over the last 12–15 years, the only thing that I can see is the miracles that happened to me by your mercy. All that I can offer to you is like drops of the holy Ganga river… We can offer back only the holy water to mother Ganga. Similarly, my presents for your appearance day are a series of miraculous stories from the scenario of my life which was

touched by your divine mercy. These are all my treasures. The most valuable things in my life: my faith, my desire to preach, all my wonderful days in Krsna Consciousness, my friendship with devotees, my Godsisters and Godbrothers, my strength to control my mind, my taste for the spiritual practice, the gratitude in my heart — all of these come from you. Everything comes from you.

My dearest spiritual father, I owe you many more stories. I am only a mirror of your infinite mercy. Wherever you go, you extend Krsna‘s and Srila Prabhupada’s mercy. I am praying to you today for being able to be a pure mirror. By your mercy I will be able to get rid of all my darkness, uncertainty, bad habits and all the obstacles. I hope Krsna will provide me with more opportunities to meet you and glorify you by offering back the everyday miracles in the form of more letters in the next 12 years…

Thank you dear Srila Gurudeva for everything. The purpose of my life is to become a real evidence of your words. I have a lot of work to do… I hope Krsna will give me the time…

Dear Srila Gurudeva, there is not enough time to serve you and to realize what you expect from me. I pray for more and more opportunities or, maybe, more and more lifetimes to continue my service and make it more perfect. Maybe, one day Krsna will consider me worthy to be closer to you…

All glories to you, dear Srila Gurudeva!

Your servant, Vallabhi Kanta Dasi