
from Venu Madhuri Dasi – Ukraine, Chernomorsk

My dear Gurudeva,

Hare Krishna! Please accept my obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to his sincere followers like you!

Thank you for the service you perform for your disciples. Thank you for your kind heart! Thank you for being open and having no prejudice in relations with people!

I don’t have such a taste for spiritual values as you, but it really touches me that you are so happy in this process, it inspires me.

You are glad to see every person; you do your best to connect every person (even those having no opportunities) with Krishna. It is so inspiring. That touches me the most. I try to do that, too. And when I am trying to follow your footsteps, the results are always good. People want to be needed. And when they feel that Krishna and His devotees need them, they are ready to give everything to Him! Even themselves!

Dear Gurudeva, I am infinitely grateful to the Lord that He has allowed me to come to you! I didn’t fully realize how lucky I was. I do not have any spiritual taste, but I see what my heart aspires for and how my attitude to life and the attitude of people around me changes gradually.

Nineteen years of practice made a completely different person out of me. It’s simply a miracle happening by your mercy. You make this sacrifice for us and it is so effective! I really want to get such taste, too; to learn how to sacrifice my interests for the benefit of other people and for the Lord’s happiness.

I keep thinking how to act for Krishna and not for myself… Honestly saying, I do everything for myself, even in my spiritual life. I cannot do something that I don’t like, therefore I want to do what I like, but for you and for Krishna. And for that one needs taste, please bless me to have it!

I pray to Krishna that you remain healthy and strong to keep your enthusiasm ever fresh! Thank you for dedicating many years to maintain the fire of service to Krishna in us! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you for your smile, for your tranquil glance, for the joy you feel for any disciple who is ready to take his vows and follow you. For giving a chance to every soul, to every passerby on the street, to every punk and drug addict, to every insignificant servant, to every dog! You see the soul in everyone, the soul that Krishna misses in the spiritual world. It touches me so much! I also want to see the world in such a way! I want to help your mission as much as I can and always remain in the stream of your mercy and compassion. I want not only to receive, but also to give to make my material consciousness spiritual, so that step by step, day after day, year after year, life after life, I could approach my home and my beloved Lord and best friend!

Please accept my humble and sincere greetings and congratulations on the occasion of your extremely important appearance day!

Sincerely yours, Venu Madhuri Dasi