
From Vilasini devi dasi – India, Radha Kunda

Hare Krishna.
Pamho , All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and my deepest obeisances at the lotus feet of my spiritual master HH Indradyumna Swami . Happy Birthday Srila Gurudeva.
Srila Prabhupada wrote in 1961 a Vyasa Puja offering to his beloved Gurudeva. I have borrowed some of these to glorify you. Srila Prabhupada wrote in point number 12: To see a sense enjoyer is like drinking poison, but you oh my master , go far and near, even abroad to give them your Darshan. Srila Gurudeva you are my Hero. From the jungles to the mountains to the seas to the deserts you have preached and sowed the seed of the Holy name in so many hearts. You are a merciful Vaishnava following the orders of your spiritual Master to preach boldly and to have faith in the holy names.
Srila Prabhupada also wrote in the same Vyasa Puja offering number 30: Our Master said to preach. Let the neophytes stay in the temples and ring the bells. You are ringing the bells of all the sentient beings hearts. You awaken us to love of Radha Krishna. With your beautiful voice you flood us with transcendental emotions. Our stone cold hearts are melted merely by hearing your classes and Kirtan. Thank you for venturing out and leaving Vrindaban for a bit to awaken all of the sleepy souls.
Srila Prabhupada also writes number 36: From the seas, across the Earth penetrate the Universal shell, come together and preach this Krishna Consciousness. How many festivals of India are you engaged in beloved Srila Gurudeva? Even this year you will be hosting one in Mexico and many festivals . You are awakening souls through culture. As a glorious King such as your namesake Indradyumna you bring a sense of royalty to Iskcon. Your festivals are so precisely orchestrated that all can visualize how great the Vedic culture is. You are truly my King and I remain your servant.
Narottama Thakura sings, glorifying the pure devotees:
gangara parasa hoile pascate pavana
darsane pavitra koro—ei tomara guna
“After bathing in the waters of the sacred Ganges many times, one becomes purified, but just by the sight of you, the fallen souls are purified. This is your great power.”
hari-sthane aparadhe tare hari-nama
toma sthane aparadhe nahi paritrana
“The holy name delivers one who has committed an offense to Lord Hari, but if one commits an offense to you, there is no means of deliverance.”
tomara hrdoye sada govinda-visrama
govinda kohena—mora vaisnava parana
“Your heart is always the resting place of Lord Govinda, and Lord Govinda says, “The Vaisnavas are in My heart.”
How are the pure Vaisnavas, God’s beloved associates? By bathing in the Ganga, one will gradually be cleansed, but when? There is no guarantee. Simply by darsana of maha-bhagavata Vaisnavas, one becomes purified from the sins accumulated in millions of lives.
Through your association I have been able to achieve some taste for chanting and residing in Radha Kunda. It has not always been easy but I think of all the austerities that you have undergone and think that gratitude is the attitude. During Covid you were a constant for so many of us. You came into our homes and hearts through your lectures . These lectures make us really connect to the lilas of Radha and Krishna and see them through your eyes. Thank you. Even when you are busy you still make time to record and upload these ecstatic classes. You choose such great souls to help you spread Srila Prabhupada s mission. You expertly choose great photographers, actors, singers, cooks. You have an eye for detail like no other.
Srila Gurudeva I love you. Since the first moment I heard your voice on an audio cassette tape I wanted to follow you. I really pray that I can be close to you and close to your heart eternally. You are my eternal sunshine. Without you Srila Gurudeva I can’t ride the waves of Samsara. You are an excellent surfer that rides the waves back home back to Godhead. Haribol!!! All my love.
Your little servant, Vilasini devi dasi