
from Visnupriya Dasi – Ukraine, Kharkiv

Dear Srila Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances at Your lotus feet! All glories to You, all glories to Your Divine spiritual master Srila Prabhupada! My congratulations on Your Appearance Day!

Thank You for being with me for all these years, sharing Your great encouragement in the service to Guru and Krishna! Thank You for Your kirtans and classes! Thank You for Your kindness to my children Bhima, Arjuna Vallabha, Yamuna Keli and Ganga, who You bestow Your love and association upon, which had changed their lives. Two of them became Your initiated disciples!

Bhima and Ganga live with their families, work and take care about their children, they love and remember You, remembering their Krishna Consciousness childhood warmly as a wonderful adventure, joyful and tasty, with festivals, friends and plenty of prasadam.

Ganga brings up a good son, You gave him the name of Rasika Raj. He is thirteen and he is a good boy, who can do breakdance.

Yamuna Keli brings up a wonderful daughter Evelina who You gave a name Sri Nathaji. She is 2,5, she has a strong bright personality with vocal talent and she passionately protects her personal borders. She is a great fan of dancing at kirtan at nama hattas, she calls her mom Yamuna to go nama hatta, which are actually not happening now due to lockdown.

Bhima Das lives in Odessa with his wife, he works and stays in touch with his childhood devotee-friends. Arjuna Vallabha lives in Moscow, he works, stays friends with devotees, comes to the temple and nama-hatta so developing his Krishna Consciousness according to Your instructions. He would like to worship Deities at home. He wishes to become a family man. He is extremely grateful to You for engaging him in the service at Srila Prabhupada’s mission!

Thank You for Your limitless mercy to my mom Hari Lilamrita who had been Your devoted initiated disciple for lots of years, she chanted japa, gayatri, loved devotees and Krishna Consciousness philosophy. She left her helpless body this year in January in presence of Your nectar kirtan, her granddaughter Yamuna was nearby.

Thank You for the minutes of association with my dad Vladimir who had been listening to mom’s japa for years and sometimes chanted himself. He used to listen to Your classes, to dance with his arms arisen during the festivals, and to adore devotees and prasadam. Dad served to mom almost blind for her last years. He is now the senior in our family, setting an example of good qualities and helping all of us.

Thank You, following you I have been to wonderful places of the world. And the best one is Vrindavan!

Thank You for keeping connection with us at this complicated time by giving classes with nectar Krishna katha and Your wise instructions, share your realizations, taste and mood in Sri Sri Radha Krishna and Vrindavan service. You share the glory of Vrindavan staying at Your place in Vrindavan, the most perfect place on the Earth. When I see You in Vrindavan and hear from You about it, Vrindavan flows into my heart along with You and I seem to stand aside from this material world full of ignorance and sufferings. Everything seem to resemble me of Vrindavan: the wind is like that in Vrindavan, the Sun shines like in Vrindavan, birds singing and trees blossoming like in Vrindavan. And just like in Vrindavan I am in hurry to Your class.

By Your mercy it looks like I live in Vrindavan now: the world where there’s no separation with You and with the Divine Couple Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, the masters of Your heart!

For me Vrindavan is there where my spiritual master is. Even if You are in Saint Petersburg. Now I feel a phenomena: Vrindavan in Vrindavan! To see and to listen to You in Vrindavan is complete perfection for senses, mind and heart!

I wish You to remain healthy and feel security and protection given by Your Deities and by the devotees at the most ideal place in the world. The eternal love of Radha and Krishna is dispersed in the air there and everybody feels juvenile by enjoying every day spent in Vrindavan!

Your eternal servant, Visnupriya Dasi