
From Bhakta Aryan – Australia, Melbourne

Dear Maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisance’s on your auspicious day of your Vyasapuja.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I am 17 years of age and I live in Melbourne Australia I have been going to the temple since the age of 3. My parents are disciples of HH Vedavyasa Priya Swami Maharaj. I have been actively involved in the temple by serving in various capacities for the past few years.
Last Karthik, I I remember listening to your amazing lecturers on various Krishna lilas, and how sweetly you would narrate each pastime. I am chanting 5 rounds daily and wish to chant 16 rounds daily verry soon. Your kirtans are verry melodious and sweet to the heart. Reading about all the yatras you conducted last year made me feel present there.
In the future, I have a desire to attend your kirtan melas and attend your yatras.
I pray to Sri Sri Radha Vallabh for your good health and wellbeing. Please bless me so that I can continue to give my services at the Melbourne temple, and I can focus on my sadhana.
Your Aspiring Servant, Bhakta Aryan