
from bhakta Karan Vig – India, Jaipur

Dearest Gurudeva,

Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Dandavats to your lotus feet.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy Krishna Consciousness birthday, Gurudeva. Today, on this most auspicious day I would like to share my journey of five years under your guidance and my progress during that period and also my developing a mood of serving you and Prabhupada more sincerely.

With your kind permission, Gurudeva…

I clearly remember the day when I met you for the first time; that was 28th November, 2014 when you were on your Kartik Parikrama and one of my godsisters Gandharvika asked me to come to Radha Vinodilal temple so that I could meet “her” Gurudeva. When I saw you for the first time there, I had no clue what I should do; while she introduced me to you, I was looking at you mesmerized by your presence itself. My biggest achievement that day was to steal a bit of your time which you spent for me; you were listening to me with utmost sincerity.

Since then I started following you, listening to your kirtans and classes and I was awestruck by your charismatic presence.

My second meeting with you, Gurudeva, was in London, 13th June, 2016, when I was doing my MA in English and I saw you at Soho temple. I still remember the every word of that conversation. Meeting you every time was like meeting you for the first time, learning how to be more humble and keeping yourself attached in the service to Krishna and following the ultimate mission of Srila Prabhupada of preaching the harinam.

As I was following my way and constantly admiring the sweetness and gentleness of your service to your deities, thinking about your transcendental kirtans and seeing how much you are attached to your disciples, I wanted to meet you again and it happened in January 2018, when you came for Pundarik Maharaja’s special seva. Gurudeva, I wanted to talk to you about my initiation that time, but since I was earlier a Radharaman disciple, I wanted to put my life in your hands and get your shelter. You asked me to meet you next time when you would come back to Vrindavan. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to come to Vrindavan and to meet you.

All these years, Gurudeva, I had been thinking that my orientation would be an obstacle in my devotional path, but as I was reading the scriptures I realized that I am not this body, but a soul and then my mind started to think of the way which I could serve you. No matter what but I started to feel a strong sense of connection, which I could not express with any words. A sudden wave of love overwhelmed me when I suddenly saw you on 23rd October, 2018 at Radha Govinda Devaji temple in Jaipur, while I was on my way back from my shoot. I was so glad that you remembered me as a “fashion designer from London”. And as it’s said if one asks something from full devotion, his prayers will be answered. I had been praying to serve you Gurudeva, but didn’t know what kind of service I shall perform and then you asked me to make a trench coat for you! I had to impress you by my service. I promised to deliver it when we meet next.

For the next two months I was working on my project and thinking of that trench coat for days, reading books to find the best designs, customizing buttons and getting the best fabric which would match your taste. That coat was probably the best garment of my life since it was meant for you. And then on 16th December 2018, I presented it to you in Vrindavan and I was so happy that you appreciated the work and measurements. I was glad that you liked it and said that you felt like being in the army of Srila Prabhupada when wearing it.

It took me another year to meet you at my last Kartik Parikrama in Vrindavan and then in Jaipur. I was ready to ask for shelter, but at my last meeting with you a few days ago at Pundarik Maharaja’s Govardhan Puja you asked me to meet you in Jaipur. I could not wait and met you the next day on 29th October 2019 at our Govardhan Puja celebrations at Sri Radha Govinda dham mandir, Vrindavan. I could see a few devotees meeting you and you were at ease, so I chose to be the last one in the queue and ask you for shelter. You gave me another project, which made me even happier to be your designer. I asked you thrice for shelter and you tapped on my shoulder saying “you got it”. Gurudeva, that was the best moment in my seven years of Krishna Conscious life.

I hope that my dedication and sincerity increases more and more every day by chanting of the holy name and listening to your katha and kirtans, under your guidance and I develop the mood of more humble service to all the Vaisnavas.

Today on your birthday I pray to Lakshmi Nrisimha that they protect you forever and that you keep on preaching the holy name throughout the globe as you do.

Your faithful servant, bhakta Karan Vig