
From Jahnava Mata dasi – New Zealand, Dunedin

Dearest Srila Gurudeva..
Please Accept my humble and heartfelt obeisances..
All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga..
All Glories to You on this Most Auspicious Day of Your Appearance .
Thankyou for coming to this crazy material world and showing us by Your first class example what it means to be an Ideal Guru and an Ideal Disciple..
There are so many wonderful qualities of Yours i admire.
Its Never difficult to express my appreciation for You..its just difficult knowing how to stop.
I have chosen a few of Your exemplary Qualities that inspire me the Most.
Firstly..Your Preaching Spirit.
You are tireless and Enthusiastic to Always share the Mercy You have received from Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga with Everyone You meet.
You are constantly meditating on how to please Your Beloved Srila Prabhupada with Your innovative and very effective Preaching Programs,
You have touched the lives of Millions Worldwide with your Genius,compassionate ,artistic,effervescent style of sharing Krishna Conciosness.
Undoubtedly Your service an incredible offering of Love to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga is counted as the Modern Day Pastimes of Lord Gaurangas Sankirtan Movement..
And these Pastimes will inspire devotees for generations to come.
You are kindly inspiring and training Your Disciples to follow in your footsteps.
Your humility,Your Love for the devotees and indeed all living beings is evident.
Your every thought..word and deed dedicated to the service of Sri Hare ,,Guru and the Vaisnavas.
You are a patient ,tolerant and kind friend to all,and despite the cruel words and harsh criticisms of the fault finders you neverv retaliate or become discouraged.
Your Vaisnava etiquitte is Imeccable.
Srila Prabhupada must be so Proud of His Beloved Son.
Youe dedication and service to Your disciples is fathomless.
tirelessly travelling.encouraging.enlightening us with both your Vani and Vapu.
You are the Gift that keeps on Giving.
Its easy to look past the fact that You are now in Yor 70s..anyone over 60 knows well how how the bodys challenges increase with Age.
But you are showing no signs of slowing down,quite the opposite,You are Powering ahead in Your servic to Your Beloved Srila Prabhupada.
Theres so much more I want to say of Your Wonderfulness.
Fortunatelty we have Eternity together.and thersx Always next Year.
I will finish up by Appreciating what I consider one of Your greatest Treasures..
I said it last year and I say it again..
They are my lifeline to You..
To Vraja
To Goloka
On my own I have no access to the Realm of Divine Love.
To the Loving Pastimes of Sri Vrndavan Dham and the Supreme Lord and His Bloved associates..
But Your classes give me Hope,they give me deep appreciationfor the process of Bhakti,and its Unlimited Treasures,they give me a glimpse of whats waiting for us up ahead..
They inspire me to dive deeper into my sadhana..
Srila Gurudeva ..
You give us the Best of Everything..
You Give us Love..
Divine Love..
Gaura Prema..
Radha Krishna Love..
How can we possibly Repay You..??
My conclusion is to dedicate my life in Your service..the service of Srila Prabhupada..the Sankirtan Mission
And try to follow in Your Gigantic Mercifull Footsteps..
Living by Your Example..
The Example of Srila Prabhupada..
That Wherever You go..
Whomever You meet ..
Tell them about Krishna..
Cos that what You do,,
And thats why we Love You so Much..
Please Always keep a place for me at Your soft Lotus feet.
Your Mercy is all I am made of..
I beg to remain..
Your Eternally Grateful Servant, Jahnava Mata dasi.