
From Manjari Premika dasi – Australia, Brisbane

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All Glories to You!
On this most auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja I pray you are in good health.
Every day I pray the Lord keeps you safe and well in your travels.
It has been an amazing, spiritually fulfilling year since your last Vyasa Puja. By the mercy of my wonderful
godbrothers and godsisters I was able to see you in Vrindavan for the Kartik Parikrama.
Back in mid 2022, when I thought there was no chance for me to travel to Vrindavan for Kartik, I was feeling very dejected and feeling immense separation from you. My only solace was your social media accounts where I could see your whereabouts & listen to your classes. To console myself I started writing a poem which I had forgotten about until now– I never imagined I would have the courage to share this with you but then I have learnt from you that there can be no fear where there is bhakti. Please accept this short poem as my offering to you this Vyasa Puja.
Oh when will I see my Gurudeva!
My Gurudev is there dancing and chanting on the coast of the Baltic Sea
Germany, Paris, London, … always travelling, he is never idle, saving countless souls across the globe
He is the friend of the fallen – he does not discriminate
Just like his dear spiritual master he sees the humanity in everyone
Oh when will I see my Gurudeva!
I see my Gurudev picking lotuses from a pond for Srimati Radharani
I see him worshiping his beloved Lord Nrsimha with complete devotion
I see him joyfully dancing in the rain in Vrindavan Dham
He is completely absorbed in ecstatic kirtan
Oh when will I see my Gurudeva!
I see my Gurudev everywhere
He is walking through the Jharikhanda forest, chanting the holy names
Mayapur, Gaya, Rishikhesh..he is visiting all the holy abodes
He is my eyes to the spiritual world – without him I am lost
Oh when will I see my beloved Gurudeva!
When will I fall at the dust of his lotus feet
When will I thank him for saving this wretched soul
As I drift off to sleep with tears of loneliness in my eyes, I hear my Gurudeva whisper,
“My child – I am always with you!”
Thank you Srila Gurudev, for always being there, for everything you do to keep us inspired towards the goal.
I am nothing without you & Srila Prabhupada.
Your humble servant, Manjari Premika dasi