
From Rukmini Dwarkadish devi dasi – Australia, Brisbane

Dear Srilla Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeiscences at your lotus feet. All glories to Srilla Parabhupada. All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. All glories to worldwide spreading of Lord Chaitanya’s movement.
Born in the darkness of ignorance, you opened my eyes and filled my heart with the torchlight of transcendental knowledge. I am eternally grateful to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Sakhi rai and Vrajlakshmi mataji for guiding me to your shelter. In this modern day and age which is filled with so many difficulties you are fulfilling the mission of Lord Chaitanya of spreading the Holy names to every town and village. Your every step, word and action follow Srilla Prabhupada as an ideal servant of Lord Krishna.
 I relish your classes on Youtube and hear them again and again to dive into sweet nectar.  My family and devotee community in Australia and New Zealand are really missing Sacred Sound retreat. It has been 4 years Gurudev without your kirtan festival at New Govardhana farm. I humbly request to please bring this festival back in near future.
Last year I joined reading group to read Srilla Prabhupada books in devotee association. I am planning to continue this reading habit this year. This year I am also working toward improving my daily sadhana by doing japa in brahma muhurta. I pray for your mercy so we can start worshiping deities with higher standards at home.
I beg you for your mercy to overcome trials and troubles and on day truly get a taste for chanting Hare Krishna.
Your humble servant, Rukmini Dwarkadish devi dasi