
From Sri Kari dasi – Australia, New Gokul

Namah om Vishnu papaya Krsna presthaya bhu tale
Srimati Indradyumna Swamin iti namine
Namah Prabhupada priya dasaya Jaganatha yatrananda murtaye
Bhakta sukhaya Krsnokirtanena Narasinghena raksitaya namah
Dear Srila Gurudeva please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.All glories to you and your lifetime of truely dedicated service to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krsna Hare Rama
Let’s all go
To Sri Vrndavana dhama
Gaura Nitai Radhe Shyama
Jaya Jaya Krsna Balaram
Meeting disciples dear to you
Some very dedicated
And some are new
You love them all
Going out of your way
To share the nectar
A transcendental display
Wonderful lectures of saints and sages
You become more enlivened
As you go through the pages.
Hearing becomes profound
In the sacred places
Looking around –
I see mesmerised faces.
When you feed a cow
Sril Gurudeva appears
Gliding along
You have no fears.
Walking alongside Govinda Maharaj
No worries here
Krsna is in charge.
Kirtans everyday
A delightful treat
Surrendered hearts leading
Melodies so sweet
Lots of spirit filled with devotion
Opening our hearts with spiritual emotion.
When oh when will that day be mine
When l bow down low
And truly be crying.
Harinam in Vrndavan
For everyone we meet
Three hundred disciples parade the streets
Blissful chanting with mrdanga beats
Banana skin lying on the road
I slide and fall – what a load!
I smile and get up
What can I say
Sri Radha is surely
Showing me the way.
Bowing down is the only answer
For a puffed up pretender
Singer and dancer.
Somehow nothing matters in the holy dhama
Even for a neophyte
Have hope…….be calm.
Govardhana Hill – steps with surrender
Radha Kunda makes our hearts tender
Brijbasis hearts soften this stone
Of my heart telling me …..
I am not alone.
Yashoda Kunda merciful and kind
Jiva Goswami’s kurtir our hearts did unwind
Vrnda devi – wonderful darshan
She opens our hearts to Vrndavana.
Hearing wonderful kirtans
From your transcendental team
Hearts begin to open
What a captivating scene.
Wake up and arise – embrace the grace
One day we will see Krsna face to face!
Coming to the holy dhamas is Srila Prabhupada’s desire
For us to help fight raging maya
United we stand decide we fall
Thank you Srila Gurudeva
We run to your call.
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
All glories to disciples who stay and ponder
On how to gather us all again
Dedicated servants in sunshine or rain.
Your insignificant disciple hoping to please you one day, Sri Kari dasi.