
From Taralaksi Dasi – South Africa, Durban

Dearest Srila Gurudev
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Your Divine Grace on this most auspicious, glorious day. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
The message of Godhead which you broadcast all over the world are filled with spiritual power pouring nectar upon the suffering souls in this material world, ultimately destroying the fear of material existence, makes you truly most munificent.
You have bestowed upon us all the greatest boon of the goal of life. In order to deliver the poor conditioned souls, you created a spiritual atmosphere, preaching endlessly purifying the living entities.
Knowledge of krsna is such a great gift that it is impossible to repay the benefactor. I therefore pray to gain the shade of Your Divine lotus feet so that I may become worthy to enter the marketplace of the holy name. I simply beg for your mercy. I can only pray that therefore ” May I always remain in Your Grace’s shelter.”
Trying to be the servant of your servants, Taralaksi Dasi