
From Varsana Radhe dasi – Australia, Brisbane

Dear Srila Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to your lotus feet, your mood and mission. On the occasion of your Vyasa Puja, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for accepting me as your disciple and for watching over me since then. Therefore, on this day I would like to glorify some of your auspicious qualities. You provide protection to all of us. Only through your mercy, is success possible. Not long ago I went through an experience where I experienced great fear. On this occasion, I could not calm my mind. Failure in this state, was certain. I tried many techniques to overcome the fear. None would work, until I took shelter in thoughts of serving you. Immediately the fear dissipated and I was able to successfully complete the task.

You provide sacred knowledge for all with great enthusiasm. Every week you are researching, preparing and recording your lectures for the benefit of many fallen souls such as me. You deliver this knowledge in a special personal and devotional manner. Hearing the pastimes of the Lord from you brings them alive. Something which I could never experience without your grace. I recall your recent lecture series in Mayapur prior to Nrsimha Caturdasi this year. You were relishing the pastimes of the Lord in the lead up to the festival. Your eagerness for the upcoming day was infectious and inspirational to me. My gratitude to you for sharing this series with us.
You provide invaluable guidance. When there was a challenging situation where I did not know how to proceed, listening to your classes would provide the necessary instructions and the courage required to continue my service. When I needed to complete tasks which were beyond my capability, I prayed to you to inspire the right words and actions to manifest the desired result. Through your mercy, the activity would be successful.
Your kindness to me. I reflect back to my initiation day. I remember every moment and your kindness despite my inability to be a worthy disciple. I was 5 months pregnant with my son Arjuna, back in December 2007. You were so patient while I walked to the back of the temple room in Sydney, to pay my obeisances to Srila Prabhupada. You told me to take my time. Later you remarked in a relieved way that you weren’t sure I was going to make it! Thus putting my mind at ease.
After you gave me 2nd initiation in the Samadhi of Srinivas Acharya in Vrindavan, we had to collect Dakshin to give to you. There were others being initiated as well and by the time all others had collected, there was very little left for me to gather. I felt ashamed with the coins and small rupee notes I had collected. However, as I approached you to hand over my measly offering, you warmly accepted my spare change with the gratitude as if I had given you a million dollars! It was as if you knew how embarrassed I was, to give you so little but were so kind and gracious in return.
For all this, I am eternally grateful. I don’t know how I will ever be able to reciprocate, but I today wish you a wonderful Vyasa puja day and pray that one day I can engage in some service of significance to you. Your servant, Varsana Radhe dasi