
From Varsana Radhe dasi – Ukraine, Dnipro

Dear Srila Gurudev!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to You in that auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja! I do want glorify you in the best way, but my opportunities are limited. I will choose simple words which contain the essence.
You are my hero! Spiritual warrior, who never stops, no matter what going on around. I admire your enthusiasm. With years I can see clearly the value of stability.
Its amazing to see how much love you have for each and every living being. So many us your disciples and for everyone you have time and power to motivate be stronger in Krishna Consciousness.
When the whole world was frozen in covid times you somehow found the way not only continue your preaching but you did improve quality greatly!
Honestly you are the ONLY person in my life who truly makes me believe in Krishna. World becomes mad and so many devotees changes. Only you have stability and purity. The purity that hardly anyone can meet in this world.
I am eternally indebted to you.
Unfortunately I have no achievements to offer you in this day. The only gift will be sincerity. I almost never preach outside. This years the greatest fight takes place inside me. I see clearly that I dont have desire to satisfy Krishna, I still have huge desire to enjoy myself.
Im fighting. I do live with devotees and make some service for them, I serve home Deities and trying my best in annual Laksmi Nrisimha Traveling tour.
Hope that by you grace someday I will be able be closer to understanding eternal relationships with Godhead and could serve you better.
Your lost servant, Varsana Radhe dasi