From Vraja-Dipika Dasi – Australia, Brisbane
nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
srimate Indradymna Swami iti namine
namo Prabhupada priya dasaya
Jagganath yatra anandena murtaye
Dear Srila Gurudev,
All glories to you on your appearance day and always!!
Please accept my humble obeisance at your lotus feet.
I feel this year Vyaspuja offering is special because we had an opportunity to meet you, to be with you in Parikrama for the first time after my initiation. I remember on our initiation day you said that come to Vrindavan and we will visit 60 million holy places. I tried last year; I pray that I can come every year.
I remember the day of parikrama when we were in forest of Varsana, you spoke about ‘Mahabhav of Srimati Radharani’ and then HG Bada Hari Prabhu lead the purifying melodious kirtan. Being there, meditating on my experience, I was thinking ‘it can’t any better!!!’ Next day you lead most amazing, ecstatic Kirtan that too after 2-3 hours of Harinam on a hot afternoon. As you said in your class ‘Gurudev is the revealer of Dham’, thank you so much Srila Gurudev for revealing the dham and all sublime experiences. I am unable to comprehend my feeling, I am eternally indebted to you.
Your energy and enthusiasm to serve the mission of your Spiritual Master are exemplary. As little I know, this year Nepal, Rishikesh, Mayapur, Thailand, US, Mexico, Poland and Vrindavan… are already on your itinerary !! Your Guru Nistha, compassion towards everyone and firm faith in holy name are empowering to you do this. This has been talked and heard often in our movement that when we spend our time Krishna’s service, he expands the time. Gurudev, you exemplify this.
I pray to Krishna that you continue serving your spiritual master Srila Prabhuapada like this and somehow or other I get to be your disciple.
Trying to be in your service, Vraja-Dipika Dasi