
from Vraja Premika Dasi – India, Manipal

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to guru and Gauranga!

Wishing you a very happy Krishna Consciousness Vyasa Puja, Srila Gurudeva. Thank you so much for being my eternal father and guiding me every single moment.
You are the torch of knowledge in the path of darkness of ignorance that I am in. You are an ocean of mercy who is helping this most fallen soul to get out of this
material world and attain the divine love of Radha and Krishna.

You teach us by your example how to be a bona fide devotee. Your taste for harinam, Deity worship, preaching, residing in the holy place and all other Krishna Consciousness activities is just mind-blowing. This insignificant soul begs for a drop of mercy to develop the taste in Krishna Consciousness activities.

You are full of compassion and want to give the mercy of Krishna to each and everyone. You are the best follower of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instruction of “Yāre dekha tāre kaha kṛṣṇa-upadeśa”. I would always aspire to follow your footsteps, Srila Gurudeva; it can be possible only by your mercy. I aspire to be your instrument and to serve you by preaching boldly and having faith in the holy names.

Hearing the transcendental knowledge from your lotus mouth is always ecstatic and it wipes away the innumerable layers of anarthas in my heart. Thank you so much for the online webinars. It’s just nectar which directly enters the heart; it’s so enlivening and filled with instructions. It’s much needed to have your association during these trying times.

Thank you so much for accepting me as your spiritual daughter. As it’s said, initiation is a big milestone in one’s spiritual life and brings huge changes in one’s spiritual life; I could really feel it by your mercy, Srila Gurudeva.

On this day I would like to offer you very small preaching activities that I manage to do during this lockdown by your mercy. I am doing seven daily reading sessions and kids sessions twice a week. At six sessions we read Bhagavad Gita and chant and at one session we read Bhagavad Gita and Krishna book on alternate days. After I was initiated on Nrisimha Caturdasi five new girls whom I had never met took up the reading sessions. Fifteen girls are chanting and reading Bhagavad Gita daily. Thank you so much for your mercy Srila Gurudeva. It’s very small preaching activity but I aspire to keep increasing the preaching activities more and more by your mercy.

Please accept this most insignificant soul to serve your lotus feet life after life. I pray to Lord Nrisimhadeva to always protect you and provide you good health. If it is possible, please kindly forgive this fallen soul for the offences committed at your lotus feet.

Thanking you, yours insignificant servant, Vraja Premika Dasi