Yamuna Priya dd & Sundarnandana Gopal das -Australia, Sydney
Dearest Srila Gurudeva
Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Happy Vyasa Puja day.
A few weeks ago, while performing my morning Japa, a message from you, announcing the Polish Festival. I observed that it was after midnight in Sri Mayapur Dham, and you were working as hard as ever on the sankirtan mission. You rise before dawn to chant your own japa, and yet you are often up at night working for the mission, planning, recording classes etc. My mind raced to all the times I had seen you engaged 24/7 cent per cent with full vigour in Lord Caitanya’s mission. One day late at night, in Poland, after a full day of Harinama and distributing invitations, we were walking up a short flight of stairs to our room. You could hardly climb the stairs and I remarked, Srila Gurudeva ‘you took your body to the limit today” You replied “EVERYDAY” Yes Srila Gurudeva you have made a magnificent astronomical sacrifice of your entire life, for Sri Krishna Sankirtan. Living out of a suitcase for 50 years, in a different room every few days, Lying on the floor, enduring fatigue, jetlag, heat , disease and cold, you, adorning the armour of humility, the cap of compassion, sangopangastra parshadam—the Holy Names as your weapon, Srila Prabhupada’s request as your direction, under the protection of Lord Nrsimhadeva, you have stayed on the frontline . When we view the entire Vaishnava population present on earth, all the devotees in ISKCON new and old, there is hardly a handful who can compare to the great sacrifice of your life. We are not so qualified to judge, but by the description of sastra and acharyas we can try to fathom your ongoing contribution. Srila Gurudeva we are in awe of the great sacrifice, feeling so grateful and appreciative of your austere complete commitment.
When I first met HH Tamal Krishna Goswami, I was sitting at your feet in your room. Maharaja walked in and sat on the chair near where I was seated. As a servant I was considering leaving the room so you could speak confidentially. But you introduced me to Maharaja saying, “ this is my disciple Suren Vallabhjee ,he has been serving for many years” Maharaja then turned and looked at me . I blurted” I saw pictures of you with Prabhupada, I always wanted to meet you, My only good fortune is so many of Prabhupada’s disciples are my well -wishers, and now by meeting you my good fortune has increased so much” Maharaja replied “do you know why you have so many well – wishers?” “because your Guru Maharaja has so many good friends” Yes Srila Gurudeva, we are very fortunate and grateful to you that by your blessings we have blessings of so many wonderful elevated disciples of Srila Prabhupada. We are also very very appreciative of our wonderful God family, amongst whom are some amazing devotees are our ever well -wishers too, bestowing with tolerance , unlimited care and love unconditionally, constantly inspiring us. We are especially very grateful for Sakhi Rai Prabhu, Vraja Laksmi Mata, Narottam Prabhu , Manjari Mata,Vilas Manjari Mata, Govinda Hari Prabhu ,Sri Krishna Candra Prabhu and Kartamashi, Jivanada Prabhus for their undying friendship .This is all by your divine grace.
35 years ago you instructed me that our marriage will help my Krishna Consciousness, Although I did not see it at the time, I have grown to understand and appreciate the simple heartfelt Bhakti of Yamuna Priya , and want to thank you for your invaluable guidance.
I was a very hard hearted angry intoxicated person steeped in ignorance. Over years seeing the way you dealt with devotees, Godbrothers, Managers, Servants, Aristocrats , Entrepreneurs , the Homeless, Kings ,children, animals, ants and dying moths. You are always deeply humble in your dealings, and yet you fill the room with a divine aura, spiritual peaceful and attractive to all. By observing your grace, I believe my heart has softened up a little. I try to remember you with me always. HH Giriraja Swami told me that a soft heart is required for mercy to enter. Thank you Srila Gurudeva.
By your mercy I have received abundantly the three rare and precious jewels, The Dust of the feet of a pure devotee, The water that has washed the feet of a pure devotee, and the prashadum remnants from a pure devotee. I am so grateful for your blessings.
From the first day we met in 1986, you engaged me in the personal service of Sri Sri Laksmi Nrsimhadeva and Ugra Nrsimhadeva. Out of billions of living entities throughout the universes from the beginning of time, how did I get that service? I have no good qualities, no qualifications, no piety, certainly no devotion. Simply by your compassionate grace upon this struggling fallen soul the Lord extends his mercy and accepts our feeble service by your wish. Thank you Srila Gurudeva.
You gave Kavita and Karthik there first japa beads when they were 6 years old. You played Nintendo with them and loved them, and by your blessings they are serving the mission of Srila Prabhupada . Thank you Srila Gurudeva.There is no greater success for a parent than to have children take on Krishna Consciousness and spread Krishna Conscioussness, and its all your Divine Grace.
Srila Gurudeva, thank you for your classes. You speak with such a sincere desire to share your treasure, your ecstasy with your disciples. Time and time you have said that your disciples are your main service to Srila Prabhupada, and your classes are a real reflection of your deep caring love. Thank you.
SB 7.7.30 -31 says
“One must accept the bona fide spiritual master and render service unto him with great faith and devotion. Whatever one has in one’s possession one must offer to the spiritual master, and in the association of saintly persons and devotees one should worship the Lord, hear the glories of the Lord with faith, glorify the transcendental qualities and activities of the Lord, always meditate on the Lord’s lotus feet, and worship the Deity of the Lord strictly according to the injunctions of sastra and Guru”
On the auspicious anniversary of your appearance on earth to save us, I beg that you bless us to pass the balance of this life in this way.
The disciple must stand before the spiritual master holding the paraphernalia for worship in his hands. Srila Gurudeva, as we fast approach the final curtain of this life I lament that we have not spent this life helping you more in your mission. Please bless us that we may always be born in the dust of Your Lotus feet , so we may repay our debt to you with the privilege loving service.
Srila Gurudeva ki Jai.
Your grateful servants, Bowing down at your Lotus feet always Yamuna Priya devi dasi and Sundara Nanda Gopal das. Kripa Kavita and Karthik