
From Yamuna-sevini dasi – New Zealand, Christchurch

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!
Every Monday morning I feel privileged to be able to take darshan of you through your classes on The Stimulation for Ecstatic Love. We spoke as you were driving to Rishikesh, and I told you that I listened to your classes while I cook the breakfast offering for Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra. I told you how fortunate I feel to stay connected to you through your classes and you told me that this was good. You said that this is service to the spiritual master, to hear from him.
Gurudeva, I appreciate the great detail you go into in these classes. The way you so enthusiastically describe the many birds of Vrndavan for example. The way the cuckoo birds song is a reflection of the bold and daring love and service to Krsna is so wonderous to hear and your joyful recitation keeps me in anticipation for the next topic. Thank you so much, Gurudeva, for helping me try to develop love for the divine couple.
Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport in Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3, chapter 2, text 6 that “The creeper of devotional service, so nourished, gradually grows, and the devotee, acting as a gardener, goes on pouring water of constant hearing and chanting. The creeper of devotional service gradually grows so high that it passes through the entire material universe and enters into the spiritual sky, growing still higher and higher until it reaches the planet Goloka Vrindavan”
Thank you, Gurudeva, through your offerings to all of us you providing the most nourishing, nutrient-rich water for the seedling of my creeper. Thank you also for being a constant in my life for many years now through your classes and your personal communications and through your wonderful disciples who remind me of your mercy and care and unlimited unconditional love for us all.
Your servant, Yamuna-sevini dasi