
From bhaktin Apoorva – India, Agra

Hare Krishna Dearest Srila Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your lotus feet.
Few years back, by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, I got the highest fortune of getting connected to ISKCON. Though I don’t have any good qualifications, still the devotees of the Supreme Lord, being more merciful than the Lord Himself, held my hand tight.
But my limited intelligence couldn’t fathom the magnanimous Guru Tattva and the glories of the Spiritual Master, until you entered my life, Srila Gurudeva.
Though I am yet to discover the endless ocean of your glories, whatever little I know and whatever little qualifications I have to be able to serve the mission of Srila Prabhupada, it is all due to your mercy.
It astounds me, whenever I hear how you serve tirelessly, day and night, to spread Krishna Consciousness throughout the world, inspiring innumerable people to accept this sublime process of Bhakti Yoga. Your attachment to Sri Vrindavana Dham is exceptional. Your love and affection for the devotees of the Lord is so nectarian.
Your disciples are so much attached to your lotus feet. The extraordinary Krishna Conscious lives of your disciples like Vraja Lila Mataji and Braja Vallabhi Mataji inspires me a lot. You bestowed upon them so much mercy and blessed them with attachment to Sri Vrindavana Dham.
I beg and pray at your lotus feet, Srila Gurudeva, to please accept me as your aspiring disciple and bless me with attachment to your lotus feet and Sri Vrindavana Dham. I know that I am the most undeserving candidate, but I pray for your mercy and blessings, since they are my only hope. If you don’t bestow your blessing Gurudeva, even Krishna will not bless me. I wish to serve you and Srila Prabhupada’s mission. This would only be possible by your merciful glance upon me. Please be merciful on this fallen soul.
Desiring to serve you
Lifetimes after Lifetimes
Your aspiring servant, Apoorva